53. Choices

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I walked away from Night as we were both unyielding in our decisions. I went to my favorite tree and sat on its huge branch, idling my time as I contemplate how I would make my move.

The Lost Treasures were undoubtedly tucked away in Reichen's study but it was then I apprehended I had completely forgotten the fact that one of the Lost Treasures was a real human being.

How shall I get it from him? I thought about various instances I could take it away but there was a sinister answer that formed in my mind.

A life in exchange had been a powerful tool in magic, particularly for the Cattivos so I could not cross out the idea that Reichen's life was needed for me to fulfill Father's wish. But there was no way in hell I could kill him. I could not kill his father either.

The previous king may have made wrong decisions but he was a good father to Reichen and he would suffer in grief if his father was murdered. I could not imagine being the cause of his pain especially now that I comprehended what I felt for him. Yet with all that said, here I was thinking of betraying him.

In the past, I merely coveted to have a peaceful life. I never wished to be a princess. I never had predicted being a thief either. I was only a princess because I lucked in birth. Before I was contented but everything changed and it felt like it was not luck but a curse. I became a thief as an escape but that, too, trapped me. I had an obligation to do for the little freedom.

Nonetheless, there was one good thing that transpired from my series of bad choices. I was able to meet people who shaped me into who I was today.

There was a time I craved people's affection but now that I had it, I had no choice but to commit a mistake because when worse came to worst I would undoubtedly pick my mother over everyone.

It would always be the right choice for me.


Evening came and the members had dispersed. I never returned to the meeting after Night dragged me away. I spent my time in the garden, thinking of ways to sneak in and get the Lost Treasures.

If I wanted to take it away, the best method was not to deal with Reichen directly. I had seen him fight and I lost to him a few times already. The only time I had seen him wounded was during his match with Xenon.

I turned off the lamp after I wore my outfit as Ace and spoke the incantation.

"My name is Ace, awaken."

Magic came naturally within me and it was pure instinct that let me know how to handle it but I never expected the scope of the magic of disguise.

Moreover, I knew its limits but I foresaw I could copy their magic. I breathe in and imagined Night's countenance. I had touched Night earlier and he had the best magic in infiltration so he was the obvious option.

I waited for a more while until the peacefulness of the night enveloped the surroundings. I let my window open the whole time so there would not be a single creak when I would go. I could hear clatters from Reichen's room from time to time so it was safe to assume, it was the same for him.

I jumped out of the window and went to the opposite quarter of the cottage. All three bedrooms were on this side and the common spaces were on the eastern part of the house.

With my back crouched, I sneaked out and tried to avoid being seen from the windows. I also draped the shadows in my body like Night had done to shroud his presence.

Only the small hanging lamp on the porch lit my way accompanied by the moonless sky as I proceeded to the study room.

As I suspected, the window was latched but it didn't matter. I easily unlocked it with a few turns and went inside.

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