17. White Bandits

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The following morning, everyone was busy as the engagement had finally been official between the two families. It was pure hectic but it was immediate.

The event was simple since Prince Asher was still in mourning of his deceased betrothed and there were only us as witnesses. I became the onlooker again. Just modestly observing on the sidelines.

Erodessa was gleeful the whole time, the exact opposite of her attitude towards me. Lian looked distracted and there were no usual changes with Yves. We were all dressed in white except for the bride and groom who were matching colors of violet and blue. The color representing the kingdom of Carrion and Ezriel respectively.

When afternoon arrived, the carriage of Carrion waited in front of the palace. Prince Asher escorted Erodessa towards it. She will return back with them to the kingdom of Carrion and might stay there for a few months for the bride training.

Everything was a breeze but tiresome. I got back to my room and decided to go to the basement.

There was a missive on the table. It could only be from Cindra since she was the only one who could access the place. I opened it and read the following content.

An amethyst anklet is kept deep between the shrine at the entrance of Mt. Grisly. The gates will be open tomorrow after sunset.

It was quite cryptic than usual. It did not even mention if I should return or sell it. There was even no name of the noble. It was also the first time she had set up a time. Cindra knew my situation that was why she never rushed me.

Maybe this was really important? I thought as I rummaged the papers beneath the letter.

It was a map of Mt. Grisly, a mountain range separating the borders of Ezriel and Gallace. I took it back upstairs and memorize it.



I was already done with my preparation. I had already informed Xenon to not disturb me since I was not feeling well. It was always a pretext of mine and he believed it due to the fact that he was aware of Father's hobby.

I securely locked the door and went outside the balcony. There were knights patrolling by this time and I waited for several minutes before they were gone. The sun was still up and I was wearing the lightest dress I had.

Unlike the times I leave during the evening with a complete get-up, when it was still bright, I had to wear my dress. A person clothed in black screamed more suspicious in broad daylight than a princess dangling in the rope.

My feet reached the ground and hid in the bushes for another minute before dashing into the closed garden.

Cindra was not there and I did not wait for her. I did not have much time to spare since it would take a long time to reach Mt. Grisly. I hurriedly changed into my outfit and secure my mask in place then left it at the other door.

Putting my thumb and index finger between my lips, I whistled. I welcomed the sound of hoofs followed by neigh. Lightning looked groomed and magnificent per usual as Cindra tended to him from time to time. He had the whole Misty Forest as his playground and he would be unruly and may appear like a stray. Thank god, no one tried to take him and thought he was a stray. I quickly hopped on his back.

"Let's go," I muttered as I brushed on his mane and we ventured to our destination.


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