31. Carline

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For the umpteenth time, I let out a breath followed by a string of curses in my head. 

I could not leave.

My maids were currently preparing me since we were told that each candidate needed to spend private time with the king. I had pardoned myself and said I was not feeling well but they brought a doctor and wouldn't even believe me, saying it was nothing major. They even mentioned taking a walk could improve my health.

For goodness sake, this reason never failed in Ezriel. They would not even bother sending a doctor to check if it was true or not. I checked the clock and it was nearing five in the afternoon.

We had decided to meet at six and I only had an hour left. There was only one way to do it. I needed to perform my best to give them a good show.

I sighed once more. I had to pretend as somber and weak. Maybe they were aware, my kind could not get sick? Even so, I did have a headache last time I was here so that point was not absolutely true. To add, even the Priestess of Amica could get ill when I recalled how badly she coughed last time.

 After a while, a knock came on the door.

"Greetings, your highness."

It was the butler who fetched me since Reid was not there again. I was notified earlier that he was fairly busy. He should've not accepted being my escort if he was that occupied. He was a ranked knight while the other candidates' escorts were just the ordinary ones.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience, Princess. We cannot delay the events thus we beg for your forgiveness," said the man.

"It is alright," I replied.

"We had arranged for you to come first so you can rest right after, Princess. His majesty is waiting for you in the garden."

"Then, let's go."


The butler had no choice but to walk at my pace. I was treading very slowly, even staggering at some time.

He had asked me countless times if I was fine and my answer was always a nod paired with a smile. Every time I responded, he became paler.

I did not like to condemn the poor man as liable for my current situation but I had to do so to let them buy my act.

We arrived at the garden and reached the glass pavilion in the middle of white roses. King Freed was sitting comfortably with a teacup in his hand. The table was also filled with appetizing desserts even from afar.

He quickly got up upon seeing us and pulled me into a chair. As soon as we both sat, I placed the necklace that was wrapped in a silk handkerchief with woven patterns of yellow roses.

"I'm afraid I cannot accept it, your majesty."

"Are you aware that returning a gift is rude?"

I caught the hint of annoyance in him. I had no power if he decided to punish me if he took this as disrespect. Nevertheless, I steeled myself in resolution. I did not want anything related to Deliora.

"I apologize again, Your majesty. Your gift is a burden I cannot carry."

A silence passed between us before he finally retrieved the necklace back. It was a minute later before I discovered that my handkerchief was taken as well.

"Excuse me, your majesty."

I only had several handkerchiefs and they were all gifts from my mother. If the jewelry was not as important I would have used a random cloth instead.

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