05. An Invitation Sent to Ace

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It was the time of the year again and it meant a day for all council and public meetings in the Throne Room. It was also one of the days that I was allowed to leave my room.

The Throne Room was an enormous space. The plated gold columns had been there ever since she remembered, along with white marble floors and a sultry red carpet. The only change was the silken red curtains when it was white before.

During this day, the royal family granted an audience to its subjects, and commoners or nobles were welcomed. An annual tradition made by Father that made him famous as a leader and erased the misgivings from the previous generations of tyranny.

We were all seated at our designated place at the podium. Father was at the center and on his right was Yves. Beside him was Lian while I and Erodessa were seated on Father's left side. It bored my sisters but not me. It was thanks to this I gained valuable information.

The whole convention took a whole afternoon before everyone left the palace.

"Your majesty, there was another concern," said Gustav, the loyal steward of our family.

He knew my father's true colors. The reason why no rumor even got out about what was really happening in this palace was all thanks to him. A trusty right-hand man who did not question orders and did everything efficiently.

"What is it, Gustav?"

"Please take this, my King." He bowed and presented an invitation.

Father took it but did not bother opening it and let Gustav continue talking.

"One of the messengers gave an invite to the Twilight Party at the Kingdom of Deliora on the Day of the Woden."

"I am not available on that day. Tell them Yves will go for me," Father declared.

"But Father, they might take an insult for this."

The reason why the ever-silent Yves spoke with worry was because of how important this event was. The Twilight Party was a prestigious three-day event. The first day is the celebration of the current king but it was more similar to a stepping-down ceremony and commemorating his achievements. The second day was social events and the third day was the coronation of the newly assigned king.

"That is why make sure to bring generous compensation," said Father.

"But, your majest---"

"Father, can I go too? I've never attended one before. I heard all the royal families in the continent were invited to this party," Erodessa cut off Gustav. "I heard they will showcase the Golden Pearl. Isn't that one of the Lost Treasures, right, Gustav?"

"That is just a rumor, Princess, that was based on myths. Nevertheless, the land of Deliora is indeed known for its precious stones and the Golden Pearl was one of their most prized," answered Gustav.

"Then, tell them my children will go," announced Father.

"Except for Carline, right, Father?" asked Lian.

I shirked myself from sighing. As if I would be taunted by something I was acclimated to. I never attended a party three years ago as Carline. If Night didn't come, I would be stuck here forever without knowing the outside world.

"Excuse me, your majesty. About the guests, they listed the whole royal family. Even Princess Carline's," said Gustav and took a side glance at me, his voice lowering as he mentioned my name.

Father quickly opened the letter in his hand. His nose wrinkles and so does his brows until deep frowns formed on his face as he read. It was no doubt that he enjoyed playing like a loving father to me but I guessed he didn't want to continue this farce outside of the palace.

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