26. Welcome to Deliora

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"Princess? Princess?"

Reid was waving his hands right on my face and I stepped back. He was evading my personal space once again.

I quickly dismissed him without further notice and left. I returned to my chambers and saw the servants hauling the wooden chest out of the room which contained all my belongings for the next three days.

I'm really leaving again. Maybe at least I should be grateful I could have a breather before another hell descended upon me when I came back. I just need to make sure that I was not picked.

I went towards my dresser and sat down as one of my new maidservants came to me. She fixed my hair into loosed braids on the upper half and brushed the tangles below. She even applied rogue on my lips and cheeks after putting powder on my face. 

I let her be as I quietly stared at my reflection but my thoughts were all immersed in what will happen if I failed. I was not overconfident in myself but I needed to consider that thought since nothing did ever go as planned in my life.

The maidservant pulled up the drawer as my gaze fell on her. The woman looked young, her brown hair tied in a bun as her eyes shone with unexpected brightness that only new naïve servants had. For common people, they deemed it an honor to work for the royalty.

She probably had no clue of the true horrors of working in the palace, basically in the case of Ezriel. I could only conclude she must be a country girl dragged unawares and blinded by the high salary.

I let out a sigh, the burden swiftly weighing me. If I could not keep myself together, another innocent person would die.

The maidservant opened several jewelry boxes until she drew out a golden necklace that wholly matched the yellow dress I was wearing. It was adorned with a round-shaped citrine at the center.

This was my Mother's favorite. I did not even know I had it with me.

The maidservant clasped it on my neck and the longer I stared at it, I remembered the tawny-colored irises of Reid's. His eyes were a shade of brown but it was so light, almost a cross between yellow and orange just like the gemstone in my collar.

After she was done with her task, I ordered her to leave and I proceeded to the basement below.

There were no letters and that made me ponder for a minute. I guessed no one was actually stopping me to be part of the Selection.

I opened the wooden box and took out the portier. It was the only thing I could carry without raising suspicions along with the portal key.

Suddenly, someone was pounding the door and I bolted to my feet. I specifically told the knights I didn't want to be disturbed for a while.

I climbed up and went straight to the door. I rotated the knob and surprise was an understatement on what was in front of me, or better yet, who was in front of me. 

Lian and Yves simply walked past the door, entering as if it was their own room while I was paralyzed with shock.

I took a deep breath before turning towards them who had made their selves comfortable on the couch.

"What are you doing here? No one is allowed, remember?"

"Don't worry. Father is probably busy entertaining the envoys as of now and Xenon helped us distract the knights."

It was Lian who answered as Yves's eyes were focused on my neck.

"You need to marry the King of Deliora, Carline."

After a long time, those were his first words to me.

"I agree with Yves, Carline. This is your only way to break free from this palace. We don't have much time so we were hoping we can have a decent conversation before you go."

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