16. The Oubliette

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Trigger Warning: This chapter may contain scenes including violence, trauma, abuse, or emotional distress. If you are uncomfortable with the following, please skip this chapter.

It was hell. That was the only thing I could describe the place. But for Father, this was his paradise. Cold blackened brick walls that had been stained by blood too many times. The concrete paving of the floors scattered with rotting bodies as decorations, one misstep and you might crush a lingering bone.

And the smell. It was so oppressive for my sensitive nose. It was over a week that I had not been here and the distasteful stink overwhelmed my senses when in fact I had gotten used to it before. A reminder on the fact that even if I get used to the world above, I would still fell back right at this place.

The oubliette, as it was usually referred to, was where all prisoners and the servants who were punished were sent. This was where countless people died right in front of my own eyes. With each death, red liquid flowed in the gaping hole within me. A lake of blood has formed in my soul that tormented my sanity for the remorse to the people who lost their life because of me.

He was polishing his chosen whip. The luster of silver glinted into the dim room. It was his favorite one, the one he also used to Xenon.

With silent tiptoes, I went to my place and positioned myself. I was like a submissive slave to my owner.

No. More like a trained pet. I mocked myself. This was why I hated this desolate place. Here, all I could do was fill my mind with all depressing thoughts. All hope was gone here and I could not even leave.

I tried many times. I told the servants but they could not oppose Father. I tried telling my siblings but Father threatened me. That one time, I finally had the courage to tell Yves and he did not even believe me.

I was blinded by revenge by then but Xenon stopped me. I gradually learned to accept all of this as I wished for the time this will all end and forget everything once I was out of this horrendous place.

"I heard you have been dallying around men." Father's cold voice quickly pulled me out of my reverie.

I just stood there. All muscles tensed as I became aware of his movements.

"The guards had reported having seen your when you are in the garden. I presume you have not blabbered your mouth?"

He was answered with silence. He did not even need one, anyway.

"The bastard monster. Don't even think he could help you with the rotten power of his," he growled and lashed the whip without second thoughts.

"I must have indulged you these past few years. Do you think you could hide it from me? You could do whatever you want in that garden but you can never get away in this palace as long as you are alive."

The sound of metal meeting my skin followed but my thoughts were in his words. He had never mentioned the garden before.

"I don't know what you mean, your majesty," I struggled to say and called him by his title.

In this room, I was never allowed to call him 'Father'. That one mistake caused me several slashes.

"No need to deny it, monster. Your mother must have given you a key from that bitch," he paused and I could hear him snicker. "Why do you think I let you in the garden? I may not know what was happening there because of the magic of that bitch but they could never take you away from here. No matter how they try, you will always go back here," he stated with emphasis on every word of his last sentence.

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