27. Reid

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The palace that was washed with white filled my view. It gave off the same eternal cold feeling as the last time I went here. Lonely. Lifeless. I didn't really like the place, much more the people but it was just my prejudice speaking as they were still morally good people from other's perspectives.

I glanced at Reid who was kneeling outside with his palm sticking out. I took the offered gesture even when I was fully able to get out on my own. This was one of the most confusing customs I had known. I didn't get why women needed assistance stepping out of the carriage when it was just even two steps from the ground when we were not that frail in the first place.

"We are grateful to have your presence here, Princess, on behalf of the royalties of Deliora. I am deeply honored to serve you," he said those preposterous words as several people approached them.

He stood up and we were greeted by the butler and maidservants.

"Greetings, Princess Carline of Ezriel. We gladly welcome you and are thankful for your grace to travel and come here in our beloved kingdom," stated the butler, all the while with his head down.

"I should be the one to be thankful that you reached out to me when I did not have the qualifications to even become a candidate."

"You are very humble, your highness. No one can deny you are the perfect bride for our king."

I stilled even if it was just empty compliments. I certainly did not want to be chosen no matter what prestige I got from it.

I looked back and saw Reid whose expression was as blank as a paper. Am I seeing an illusion?

"By the by, your highness, the servants are here to help you settle down for your visit while I show you around, Princess."

I nodded and we went inside. The whole palace of Deliora was eerily beautiful even from its interior despite the lack of color. The all-white decorations and ornaments did not only give a sense of elegance but also a hint of purity to the place but as beautiful as it was, I did not see myself living here.

The butler helped me familiarize the place as he introduced me to every room we passed by. It was pointless as I would not be staying long anyway. Our conversation was disrupted when a manservant excused himself.

"The Princess of Caious had arrived," the man whispered but it was futile since I could still hear it.

The butler gave a slight nod and faced me.

"I have to apologize, your highness. I have matters to attend to, I shall implore Knight Reid to escort you instead."

I almost forgot about Reid's presence if not for my senses. He had been awfully quiet the whole time and even his footsteps were so light that no ordinary person could hear them.

We were left alone and we passed by many servants as we head further but we were so silent. I was used to this kind of atmosphere in Ezriel but it weirded me out since I was with him.

I admittedly did prefer his audaciousness to this kind of attitude. He felt so cold and distant, just like the whole palace was. I could not contain it anymore so when we were far from any keen eyes, I initiated to talk.

"Do you know anything about the Selection?"

"We cannot disclose anything about the trials, Princess," he answered, his tone was formal that it surprised me a little.

"I did not mean that. So far, I only knew that each country is different but everyone held it for three days with a customary banquet every night. What I want to ask is what normally happens during this time," I clarified.

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