Chapter 23

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My steps walked away from the room, thinking it was for the best. I don't want to mess up their lives. I have to leave so they can live happily. My pace getting faster and faster with each step. The room seems to left behind with no intention to ever return. The surrounding seems to just become quiet and all that I could hear is my footsteps. Suddenly a hand grasped my wrist and stopped me in my tracks. 

" Mia, where are you going ?" Clara inquired.

" I..." I was taken aback with this sudden sounds that came live which was quite a few seconds back. 

" Tiara was looking for you," she informed me.

" I. I was. I was going to the washroom." I stuttered as I lied.

" Oh, okay! Come back soon." She let go of my hand as she walked away. 

I turned to walk away again but I couldn't. My daughter needs me. She still hasn't forgot me whereas I ... I was ready to leave her. How can I do this to her? She needs me. I cannot leave her like this, without any notice. I cannot let these thoughts have the worst of me. I cannot let that happen. When I entered back inside the room, Tiara shone a beautiful smile on her face and her eyes glisten like moon in the clear water.

" Mom, look !" She held a wrapped gift in her hands.

" What is it ?" I tried to sound as excited as she was; while walking over to stand next to Mr. Kim.

" Grandpa got it for me !" She frantically opened the wrapped gift and got a another wrapped gift box but smaller in size. After opening that small box too, she held a key in her hand.

" I got you a bicycle." Rejoiced Mr. Kim, lighting up the room.

" WOAHHHHH !!!" Tiara jumped on bed in excitement. " Where is it ?" 

" It is at home and you can only ride it if you take medicines and get well soon, alright?" Mrs. Kim instructed.

" Yes. I will take my medicines !" Tiara nodded in response.

The day came to an end with Tiara being very excited about her leave from the hospital. She took her medicines nicely and didn't make any excuses. It is always a struggle to sleep in a new environment but I managed. Now there were two days left for hearing of custody, Taehyung left for some work in the afternoon. Leaving me to spend more time with Tiara and look after her. The doctor came in to check on her, later that evening.

" Hmm. She is recovering well," he said after checking on her.

" You can take her home, day after tomorrow." He informed us. 

" Yeah!" Tiara exclaimed in happiness.

" That's really good news. Thank you so much, doctor." Clara thanked him.

I smiled a little because day after tomorrow was exactly the day for the hearing. At first, I got sad over that fact but then I thought maybe it was better this way. Whoever got the custody will take her home so she can rest. As long as she is recovering well and in a good healthy body that is more than enough for me. Taehyung, however, was a bit stressed about something and it showed on his face and body. He has been going out often and would return with a big frown and tired face. I thought, maybe handling the office work and not getting proper rest has given him more exhaustion than ever.  

Clara was happy because I could spend time with Tiara. I was happy too but somewhere I wasn't really happy. I was scared because a strong gut feeling made me feel that Tiara's custody will go to Taehyung. There was no issue with custody going to Taehyung but I felt that I might not see Tiara again. I want to cherish these moments with her and fill them with happiness but my insights tell me otherwise. With these worries, the night goes away and the day comes in. I have to meet Mr. Lee today regarding the custody. As usual, Taehyung leaves early and I left around afternoon to meet Mr. Lee.

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