Chapter 8

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The next day, as the family sat down to eat their breakfast. There was usual chatter among the family with a delicious breakfast. It was all the same until Mr Kim announced something.

" Mom, we should do BBQ tonight, just like the old times." He said with excitement. Everybody agreed on his statement.

" Yes! We can have so many things to eat. " Taehyung's cousin rejoiced at the thought.

There was a commotion among the family members. Each coming up with their own favourites to be grilled. While I continued to eat my breakfast, slowly the commotion died down since the elder of the house, Taehyung's grandma shushed them.

" Everyone! " She said loudly and everyone went quiet. " We will have a BBQ at night but for now, finish your breakfast then we will go for some sight-seeing."

" Woah! Where? " Taehyung's cousin asked excitedly.

" I'll tell once you finish your breakfast." She replied smiling softly.

She locked eyes with me for a second and went back to her plate. I was wondering if the sight-seeing has to do something with me. So basically the sight-seeing was a walk through the farms owned by the Kim family. The farmers who worked in their farm greeted them. 

It wasn't boring as I admired the nature at its best. The sun was hidden between the clouds but it played peekaboo every now and then. It wasn't really humid outside but still, the wind was blowing and cooling down the little sweat that appeared in the forehead because of all the walking.  While the rest of the family walked ahead of me. Tae's grandma walked slowly so she can catch up with me. I smiled sweetly at her.

" Isn't it beautiful?" She said. I nodded, looking at the sunshine through the trees.

" Is everything going good with a new start ?" She asked me.

My eyes refused to make any contact with her's as I held my head down in disappointment.

" Not really. " I replied softly.

" What keeps you from moving on, Mia ?" She asked in concern.

" I'm not sure. Maybe the memories of the past. I ...I just can't seem to get over them and how happy I was, back then." I replied trying to put my reasons into words.

" If it is stopping you from growing then you should let it go, Mia. Things won't start anew if you don't start anew. You get it ?" She patted my head. I nodded.

In the evening, the men of the house built a bonfire at the back of the house and nearby was the grill. While I helped Mrs Kim with the meat and other vegetables. After a while, everyone gathered around the bonfire. Mr Kim followed by Taehyung was giving blankets to stay warm.

" Does everyone has a blanket ?" He asked loudly.

" Uh... I don't have one." I said raising my hand.

" Oh no, Mia. Yours is with Taehyung. Does everyone has a blanket now ?" Everyone gave him a nod. " Good." Mr Kim went inside to get some other things.

I saw Taehyung walked slowly towards me with a blanket. He had only one blanket in his arms.



I looked around and saw that all the married couples were sharing one blanket. Rest everyone had their own blanket. I sighed in disappointment.

Seems like I gotta share one with him.

He sat down next to me, still keeping a distance. He handed me one end of the blanket and I wrapped it around my shoulder. Taehyung did the same. Due to the distance between us, the cool chilly wind sips inside the warmth of the blanket.

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