Chapter 10

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He placed me down gently on the bed and took off my shoes for me. He ran out of the room to get a band-aid for my ankle.

" It's okay. I'll do it." I said as I don't want him to touch my ankle.

" No. No. I will do it." He started rumbling through things and found the spray and some cloth bandages. He was busy treating my ankle and I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

It was for sure that he appeared like my Tae. Caring and looking after me. He brought a smile on my face. In these moments, I couldn't help but overlook all his past mistakes. He unexpectedly looked new and someone I know.

" There you go. " He said as he looked up to me and caught me staring at him.

" Oh ! I- Thank you." I glanced away from him.

" I will keep this first aid back to its place." He rose from his seat and went away.

As he left, I started looking for a glass of water or even a water bottle but couldn't find one.  My eyes scanned the room but in vain. At that very second, Taehyung entered with a glass of water in his hand and gave it to me.

" Thank you." I made short eye contact and looked away.

" Does it still hurt ?" He asked looking at my bandaged ankle.

" Not until I move," I answered as he nodded.

He went on to keep the glass back in the kitchen. He came to lean by the door frame of the room. He was standing there just so if I needed anything but I knew this was gonna be an awkward moment. We didn't speak until I decided to break the silence.

" Thank you," I said genuinely fidgeting with my fingers.

He looked at me with big wide eyes as he heard those words. He looked at me with astonishment and a soft smile craved on his lips with his eyes gleaming along with his smile.

" You're welcome. " He said sweetly and smiling big. " I mean that's what's friends are for !?"

" Hm ?" I looked at him in confusion. His eyes dropped to the ground and his smile began to fade away as he spoke those words.

" Actually... the other day, I thought about this...that I didn't give you enough options to choose from."

" Do you really think I'm a cheater ?" He asked.

" What better options did you leave me to choose from ?"

My mind played the clip from the night of the party as I understood what he meant by those words.  A bit of guilt filled my heart as I knew that he was upset that day because of me. 

" So I thought I should give you better options to choose from than just being a cheater to you. " He looked at me which made me look away from him.

" I thought being friends would help us. I mean every relationship starts with friendship so ...I mean ...if you don't want's fine. I ain't...forcing you." He hesitated to speak.

" I have to think over it," I replied slowly, looking at him.

" Oh ! Yeah. Sure. Take your time. I ..I'll  just make some food for you." Saying so he hurries away because his face was becoming red.

I heard a lot of commotion from the kitchen and I suddenly realized he doesn't know how to cook. So I called out to him.

" You don't have to make anything. I'm not hungry." But despite my statement, I continued to hear the commotion of opening and closing the kitchen cabinets and the utensils. He walked over to the room with a trap full of cookies decorated with cherries and blueberries.

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