Chapter 13

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I had my eyes and mouth hung open with this sudden turn. Taehyung looked at me, waiting for an explanation as of why fingers are over his lips. I retreated my hand back to myself and turned around the other way.

" Are you gonna just ignore what happened here ?" He asked muttering in my ears playfully. I duct inside the blanket and covered my ears.

" I really wanted an answer," he said and I knew he might be smirking right now.

I stayed inside the blanket and didn't move at all. I just tried hard to breathe as nicely as I can but like dolphin, I need to come out of the water to breathe so I gathered my courage and slowly pulled the blanket down. I had my eyes closed just in case I make eye contact. But it was some time now that I came out of my blanket so he might be sleeping.

I did felt that he turned away from me so it is safe to open eyes. I opened my eyes and could see the darkness shadowing over the furniture in the room. I had a sigh of relief. I turned my head to his side to check if he is sleeping but instead I found Taehyung staring back at me. I quickly grabbed the blanket to duct down but he was fast enough to stop me.

" Hey! No! Show yourself ! " he said as we fought for the blanket. In the end, he won.

" Why are you hiding ?" he raised a question.

" Give me the blanket !" I whined. He hide the blanket behind him.

" No! First, tell me. Why were you touching my hair ?" He asked waiting for me to answer.

" I...I saw a bug on your hair." I made an excuse.

" OH! WHERE ?" He sat up, vigorously brushing his hair.

" It flew away," I replied in a small voice.

" IT WAS A FLYING BUG !?" He asked me in a more horrified tone. He leaned his head towards me keeping it low.

" LOOK FOR IT! HERE !" he pointed at a section of hair.

" Taehyung." I rolled my eyes, giving him a very cold response.

" DO IT !" he sounded more scared.

I gently started running my hands through his hair with him guiding me to do it.

" Here ! " he pointed at a different section. I brushed there too. He kept on pointing and I kept on brushing his hair. But he seems to enjoy it so I asked in a low tone.

" Are you feeling nice ?"

" Yeah," he answered unintentionally.

I sat up straight and stopped brushing his hair. He stayed like that for a few seconds before slowly sitting up. I gave him a fierce look in my eyes with my arms crossed at my chest.

" What ?" He asked innocently.

" I was just giving you a simpler way to touch my hair." he shrugged his shoulder.

" What? I wasn't touching your hair." I said in my defence even though I lied.

" Then...was it my lips ?" He asked hesitantly.

" WHAT? NO! You - I...I'm going to sleep." I said loud enough for him. I snatched the blanket from his side and laid down as if I never had this whole conversation. I closed my eyes shut and tried to sleep.

Next morning was pretty much usual. The breakfast preparation and the usual chatters at the dining table. The food was served and I was eating it happily but right then Mr Kim dropped a question.

" Taehyung and Mia..." He said grabbing our attention. He continued with a playful smirk on his lips. " I heard some noises from your room last night."

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