Chapter 15

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I smiled to myself, happy with the newfound emotion. I helped mom in packing a few other things in the suitcase as we will be leaving for our home tomorrow.  The dinner was made pretty early because all the family members have gathered to have a movie marathon. There were blankets for the chilly night. The fireplace was lit with big logs of woods. There were thick sheets put on the floor to avoid the cold flooring. 

The atmosphere has got cozy and relaxing. We all sat down under our blankets and the movie started to display on the wall. It was a family-friendly movie filled with lots of laughs and funny moments. The family laughed and smiled to their heart content. I rested my hand down and leaned back to enjoy the movie a bit more comfortably. A hand touched mine. I looked down and my eyes caught Taehyung's hand resting on my hand. He looked down simultaneously and smiled playfully. His sight went back on to the movie. 

I took back my hand and continued to look at the movie

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I took back my hand and continued to look at the movie. The minute he realized that, he looked over to me with a bit of sadness. Probably he sighed thinking he made a wrong move on me. I smiled to myself before taking that pillow between us and kept it aside as I scooted closer to him. Our shoulders brushed against each other. He looked at me with awe. I smiled happily and just covered him in blanket a bit more. He smiled shyly trying to hide his happiness that radiates in the room. 

I just rested my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. Thoughts running on my mind. thinking about all my decisions I will make if I just give in and let go of my past. I met eyes with Mrs. Kim as she gave me a small thumbs-up as she went back to the movie. I smiled and held onto his waist just like those old days. The night fell and the movie got over. We just couldn't let go of this new feeling. There was this new feeling which connected me to him and we just didn't wanna let go. It was like we were so new to each other.

The coldness in the room that stayed as the night grew colder. The warmth of the blanket was a bit comforting but nothing compared to his arms. I remember going straight to bed without changing into pajamas. I just entangle my arms around him as we lay on the bed facing each other. I remember hearing his heartbeat as he rest his chin lightly against my forehead. He places a light kiss on my forehead as he sleeps away. 

I loved to listen to his heartbeat. I just need to be held like this to feel that I have got the world. The moon went back to sleep and a new morning woke us up. I heard the knocks on the door. My mind wanted to ignore it but the voice was familiar and giving an order.

" Mia! Taehyung! Get ready soon! We will be leaving soon." I opened one of my eyes and looked at the door. 

" Mia ! "another knock came in.

" Yeah, Mom," I said yawning away.

" Come on! Get ready !" Another instruction came in through the door. I yawned again nodding away unconsciously.  

It was the day of departure from the countryside back to city lights. We have to leave early to make it in the city by night. I and Taehyung quickly got ready to leave. The house was filled with hustle-bustle again. We all had our breakfast and boarded the car to leave.  I hugged Taehyung's granny one last time. 

" Thank you for everything," I said with a smile. Though, I wasn't able to tell her why I thanked her but I could understand from her smile that my gratitude has found her.

" I hope to see you and Taehyung with your little one next time." She held hands in her's to seal the deal. It was a bit awkward but I think it is very obvious for her to ask for it. ' Newlyweds usually hears it' is what I thought and waved her goodbye and to the rest of the family.

Dad and Mom sat in the front while I and Tae sat behind. The ride began just like the last time with some music playing off and the electric poles passing by but the only difference was that dad couldn't see us in the rearview mirror anymore, sitting like poles apart. Taehyung and I sat in the left corner of the car. Still feeling a bit drowsy by the early morning ride and boredom. I snuggle with him and fell asleep. Later as the day went by, Taehyung switched seats with his father and took over the wheel. By the night, we reached back home and started taking out the luggage. 

The stiffness of the body because of the long drive got us tired. I was in no mood to eat so I just took a quick shower to feel refreshed. I came out and found Taehyung arranging things back in his wardrobe. He was sitting down on the floor like a good boy. I smiled to myself as I walked over to offer my help.

" Want some help with it ?" I asked sweetly.

" Nah. It is already done. " He stood up and continued " I will go and take a shower."

I nodded along as he walks away. I stood there thinking if I should arrange my things too but I dropped the idea because I was too tired. I climbed up on my bed and got under sheets. I couldn't sleep so I took a book to read but it wasn't helping me to keep my mind off the thinking. Taehyung came out from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. 

I smiled at him before going back to my book. I waited for him to get in the bed so I can go back to sleep. I see him walk over to the bed as I closed my book and kept it away. I was ready to sleep but I saw him going away with a pillow. My eyes follow him to the nearby sofa.

Is he going to sleep there?

Should I tell him that I want him to sleep here?

No! I would sound more direct that way.

I should be like ' Come here!" 


That would look very very bad.

He might take that for something else.

So what should I do?

Should I sleep without him?

I slept without him for years.

Not that long.

but two-three nights that I spent in his arms, got me missing him

My shoulders drop at the thought that I might just choose to sleep without him. I lay down without getting noticed by him. I closed my eyes and my mind to any possible thoughts that gave me a ray of hope. I sighed out of tiredness. 

Just when I thought, everything was done and all chances gone. I felt the sheets move and I opened my eyes to Tae getting inside the sheet. My eyes and face light up with happiness. I looked at him happily. He caught me looking at him. He stopped in the moment and looked at me, confused.

" What ?" he asked.

" Nothing." I gave him a big smile.

" Do you want me to sleep there ?' he asked lying down on his back.

" NO !" My reply came back a bit too strong.

He chuckled and pulled me in his arms. I lock my arms around him as well, burying my face in his chest.

" I will never let you go." he whispered to me.

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