Chapter 16

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" I will never let you go."

And he never did. 

Every night we used to hold each other and go off to sleep.

Each night passing by, I would think that I never had insomnia.

It was just me missing his warmth. 

Until he would hold me again in his arms.

Every day started with us tangled legs and listening heartbeats.

We started getting along much better now.

We would go out for dinner.

" Reservations under Mr and Mrs Kim? Yes, You have a reservation. This way, please."

Mr and Mrs Kim? 

That felt good. 

Being called Mrs Kim.

Once we sat down and Taehyung handed me menu to order.

" Are you paying for food ?" I asked.

" Yep." he nodded.

" Then I'm gonna order the most expensive dish here," I replied happily.

He chuckled.

We would sometimes cook dishes together.

" This one should go here, right? " He asked me to clarify.

" Yep." 

We set the table and sat down to eat.

" Mom, I made the dishes today." Taehyung gave his boxy smile as he proudly declares his achievement.

" With the help of Mia." his mother added in.

Taehyung pouted at her response.

" No, Mom. He did everything. I just guided him." I smiled at him.

He looked at me with a big smile, happy that I appreciated it. 

He would take me shopping sometimes.

" Nah," he said disappointment.

" What? What is wrong with this dress ?" I asked looking in the mirror.

" Wear something more know.." He wanted me to understand something by his unfinished words but I didn't.

" more what ?" I asked in confusion.

" you know. sexy..." he emphasized the last word.

" Why ?"

" I'm your husband. I would like to see you in a sexy outfit," he smirked playfully.

" YOU- pervert !" I threw the dress nearby at him as I rushed back to the changing room.

" I'm still your husband though." I could hear him say behind me.  

We would sometimes enjoy the moonlight in our balcony.

My eyes closed and his hands wrapped around my waist as he gave me a back hug. 

The breeze was calm and the sky felt a lot closer. 

" I love this," I mumbled. 

" Hmm ?" 

" I love this moment. " I answered. 

" I love being with you." 

" I love you more." He whispered in my ears softly.

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