Chapter 29

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The ladies and the kids have gone out for another outing on the beach. I stayed behind and so did Jimin. He was still angry with me but we were at least on a talking basis. So I decided to visit him in his room to tell him about the incident that happened early morning with me. He lets me inside but would avoid looking in my direction. So I stood out in his balcony while he leaned by the doorframe. He knows me too well. He knew that I have come here to share something with him. He waits for me to gather the courage and tell him the incident.

" I saw Mia today," I informed him.

" What ?" He walked over to me as he turned me to face him. " You saw Mia? Here? In Hawaii ?"

" Yeah," I answered in a soft voice.

" Did you talk to her? Is she fine? What is she doing here ?" He lashed out all the questions in his mind.

" She is here with her family." I turned away from him. I take in a deep breath as I rested my elbows on the top railing of the balcony.

" Family? But her parents...wait! is she --?" he trailed his words, guessing the answer.

" Yeah." I gave a short reply as I exhaled.

" Good for her." Jimin said as he looked off in distance with me.

" She has a husband who loves her a lot and two kids. Her daughter seems to be 2-3 years younger than Tiara and her son is maybe 5 or 6 years old." Jimin kept his hand on my shoulder as he squeeze my shoulder blade lightly.

" She was really happy." A memory of her smiling flashed in front of my eyes. " It has been very long that I saw her smiling like that." A wistful smile appeared on my lips.

" She moved on in life." Jimin adds in a low voice.

" Hm. " I nodded, keeping my head low.

" You have Clara and Tiara too You moved on in life as well.. " He pats on my shoulder. " It's for the better." He assures me.

" Yeah."

" Don't think too much about it. You carry on with your life. Let me get you that Mango Martina to lighten the mood. I don't wanna drink it anyway because it's Mango." Jimin walks back inside to grab the drink.

' She moved on in life.'

She did moved on.

She was much happier.

She smiled more often now.

Isn't that a good thing?

Yes, It is.

Then why am I sad?

" Dad! " Tiara rushes in as soon as Jimin opens the door. Seems like kids and ladies are back from their outing.

Am I trying to complete a piece of my heart?

" Look! I got you this and this ." Tiara opens up the packages to show me what she has got for me.

Or am I still stuck in my past?

Clara walks over to us with a sweet smile. Carrying some more bags in her hands. 

Maybe I want her to forgive me.

" Now... I want you both to attend this !" Tiara holds up an invitation card.

" What is this ?" I asked taking it from her.

Forgive me, Mia.

" A night for couples and for those parents who never get enough time to spend. So I want you both to attend this." Tiara makes me hold Clara's hand.

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