Chapter 25

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" I have witnessed her aggressive behaviour." He said, keeping his eyes off me but I kept looking in his direction to see how far is he gonna go with this lie.  My hands balled into a fist as I felt immense emotion of betrayal blending in with pain. 

" So you have seen her being aggressive ?" Mr. Ryeo asked.

" I have heard her screaming..and.. and.. when I checked the room, I saw her throw things around. " Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

"  So that means she throw things around in her anxiety or panic attacks ?" 

" Maybe." Taehyung replied in a single word. 

" So You knew Mia threw things around in such cases then you didn't felt the need to stop her at least." Mr Lee stood up for me.

" I.."

" If not as ex-husband, you should stop her as a human. After all, she could've hurt herself too. Were these thoughts not running in your mind; when you witnessed this act ?" Mr Lee threw in another question.

" Mia is not a child !" Mr. Ryeo snapped. " Yes, she could be a bit irresponsible and might not think straight through most of the things but that doesn't mean, every time someone should put sense in her head." 

I smiled to myself. What more could I do? This was no longer, the custody of my child. It was more of proving me unfaithful, irresponsible and not good enough to look after my child. It was no more proving me wrong or showing Taehyung as better parent. This is more of making me believe that I don't deserve to be a mother. Questioning my upbringing. Questioning my efforts. Questioning my sanity. Questioning everything I did to raise my child. Funny, how nobody looks at the sacrifices made by a mother. Funny, how the mother is the first one to blame when the child is hurt. I pulled a smile on my face that only cared to show my sadness and nothing else. 

" Miss. Mia, you agree that you are incapable of looking after your child, Tiara ?" The judge asked me

I stood there in silence. I was occupied by my thoughts that I didn't even hear what Mr Ryeo has to say in his defense for not degrading me. I didn't care. I didn't care enough. When did I ever care? Never! I never cared, right? No wonder, people always questioned me. 

' I wanted to do that, dad. Please! Let me do it !'

' No, Mia! What good will be ?' 

' I loved you, Taehyung! What have I done wrong ?'

' but I don't love you anymore.'

' Look at her! isn't she that single mother in the neighborhood?'

' Let's see how far this marriage goes.'

' Yeah. She looks too happy after divorce. I bet she wanted it because she had eyes on someone else.'

' She could be a bit irresponsible and might not think straight through most of the things.' 

" Miss, Mia ?" The judge called me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

" I just know that my daughter needs me and I did my best to look after her," I answered his question, not showing much emotion. The judge clears his throat as he goes back to writing something on the paper and announces his final decision.

" Alright! After looking at different perspectives of both the parents, I have come to a decision. The custody of six-year-old, Tiara will go to her father, Mr. Kim Taehyung." The judge's voice echoed in my ears. 

I felt my heart sunk at this announcement. I stood there, frozen to the ground. The rustle-bustle of the people leaving the room, didn't seem to bother me. I stood still until Mr. lee apologized that he couldn't keep his promise. I didn't say much to him and left the empty room. I walked over to the bus stop. There was this numbness within that made me feel nothing was important. I just felt numb. No Pain. No suffering. Just numb. I wanted to cry but for some reason, tears didn't even gather in my eyes. My phone ringed but I didn't even want to receive any calls. 

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