Chapter 20

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I got the live location and I hired a taxi to go there. I waited patiently in the back seat. The sky grew darker and clouds rumbled in the sky. The rain threatened to fall down. The rainy season has finally kicked in. I told the taxi driver to drive faster since it was an emergency . The driver did his best but ... 

" What's wrong ?" I asked.

" I think there is traffic on this road." He replied.

I waited for a bit in the taxi patiently. Tapping my feet, I looked out. The window had rain droplets racing every now and then.  The rain pours down heavily and the honking of the cars seems to make the situation worse. I decided I didn't want to wait anymore. I stepped out in the rain, making my purse a shield against the rain.

" Miss."

" Here's your money! " I gave him whatever I had. I didn't count the money. 

I walked away in a hurry past the cars that stood in this terrible traffic jam

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I walked away in a hurry past the cars that stood in this terrible traffic jam. The rain pouring down, the streets being wet. As soon as I reached the sidewalk, I dashed to the hospital which was still a few meters away from I was. I ran past the people walking with an umbrella. I made my way, sometimes nearly escaping from crashing into them. 

I ran as fast as I could. The friction between my shoes and the wet sidewalks made it difficult to run but I wanted to run. I slipped here and there but always composed myself back. I lost my balance in a short while. People nearby rushed to pick me up. My clothes drenched and my knee scraped as I could feel the pain there. I stood up with the help of a woman who gave me a hand.

" Are you okay ?" The woman asked me being concerned.

" No. I have to go to her." I took a step ahead and my ankle gave me a jolt of pain. 

" Miss, I think you twisted your ankle." The woman tried to stop me.

" But my daughter... " I said but another woman already pulled me on the side. 

The generous ladies did my treatment for the knee and ankle. One of their son dropped me off to the hospital. I rushed inside limping a bit. I asked the receptionist about Tiara and she told me that she was being operated in the second floor. I took the stairs and searched for the room. I came in the hallway and saw Clara and Taehyung in the far right corner. I stood there, judging his state. I stood there, clothes drenched, knee scraped and heart beating fast. I looked more than in a bad state.

He was sitting and hiding his face in his hands. Clara was patting him in the back. She raised her head and saw me standing there. Taehyung turned his head at my direction. He raised and walked over to me with tears in his eyes but anger on his face. He grasped my wrist tightly and took me to the emergency exit door which leads to the stairs that leads down. he didn't cared enough about my dirty wet clothes. 

I stood against the wall as his lean body trapped me in between him and wall. His eyes were red and it seemed he cried a lot. He drew insanely close to my face. A sudden numbness took over my body as his eyes met mine. My breath hitched and lips felt dry. I could hear the rain pouring and the thunder striking now and then. His breathing hit my face. His hand still hasn't let go of my wrist.

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