Chapter 12

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"...because we still have a lot of time to make new memories."

I looked at him with soft eyes and a smile. He matched my smile and looked away in embarrassment. He was looking away because he was shy. He used to do it back then too. He kept his cup aside and straighten his back. He looked ahead as he pulled himself together.

" We sure do have a lot of time." He said in a normal tone. I rested my hands on the cold wooden floor and leaned back a bit.

" Yep. We do." I saw a small smile crept on his lips as I agreed with him. He was happy that I was on good terms with him. We stayed like that for a few minutes enjoying a peaceful time with nature. The wind continued to blow, making the leaves rustle and birds flying away in search of food.

" Are you hungry ?" Taehyung asked as he turned to me. I shook my head as ' no .' He stood up, taking his cup in one hand and other extending to me.

" I am hungry. Wanna join me ?' He smiled at me with his hand reaching out to me. I flashed a smile and took his hand. We walked back inside and I sat down at the chair around the dining table.

" What are you making ?' I asked resting my chin on my hand.

" Ramen." He replied as he seems to search the cabinets.

" You remember the time, you decided to make me breakfast and burned the toast." I chuckled.

He turned to me with a packet of ramen in his hands and said confidently. " It was the toaster's fault." I tried to not laugh so I looked down. He filled a small pan with water to boil and sat down in front of me.

" I have left the water to boil." He said as he relaxed his muscles.

" What should we do now ?" I asked leaning ahead and resting my hands on the table to look a bit more intimidating.

" Talk." he suggested.

" Go ahead." I replied, sitting back as I know he won't have a topic to talk about.

" Uhmmm..." He rolled his eyes in thought.

We basically knew everything about each other and I bet he would try his best to avoid the topic related to our breakup so he has nothing more to say. We spend some minutes like that by staring at each other and him trying hard to come up with a topic. He is pretty social but he is acting kinda nervous around me just like he did when he made the first move.

" Okay. Since we are friends and we never had a proper introduction so let's do it." I suggested.

" Yes !" He jumped a little on his seat as he was happy that finally we got to talk.

" I'm Mia. Nice to meet you." I extended a hand of friendship towards him.

" I'm Taehyung." he shook my hand warmly. He leaned back and said confidently. " Tell me something about you, Mia."

I raised an eyebrow at his confidence and laughed off. It was like we are playing a game of ' Who looks more intimidating ? ' and he was for sure way better at this. I got reminded of the time when we used to do it in the past because Taehyung loves to play out the scenes of the dramas.

" I love reading books and I do painting sometimes," I replied to him.

" Oh! I know. We did a lot of paintings together, remember ?" He said excitedly and changing his personality from an intimidating one to the curious child.

" I remember them. You have that jacket I painted on ?" I asked him happily.

" Oh! I have it in my closet. You have the sketches we drew together ?" he asked happily and I suddenly realized that my answer to his question was a ' No. '

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