Chapter 28

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" I ruined everything."

" I'm so sorry."

" The custody is going to Tiara's father, Mr Kim Taehyung."

" How irresponsible of her !"

" Let's see how far this marriage goes."

I woke up with a jolt and held onto the first thing I saw or felt. He woke up in this process. 

" Huh? Are you okay ?" I didn't reply but held onto his arm that was wrapped around me.

" You had a bad dream? It's okay." He pulled me closer as he kissed me on the forehead. " I'm right here. Everything is fine. It's fine." He assured me as I snuggled in. He slowly pats my head as I closed my eyes and listen to his heartbeat, feeling a bit better and safe in his arms. 

A little while later, my eyes flutter open to the sunshine coming in through the window and the sound of the sea.  Sung-Jae was sleeping on his stomach with his arms and legs stretched beside me. I smiled to myself as I tucked him in a blanket. I went over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my daily morning skincare routine. 

" Mom! Mom !" I heard Namiko calling me as she rushed inside after opening the door.

" I'm here, Nami." I stepped out of the bathroom.

" Mom! Look! I picked some shells with Dad." She showed me all the shells she collected.

" Woah! Let me see." I leaned in to look at them.

" I like this one!" she pointed at the spiral shell.

" I like this one." I answered. 

" I'm gonna paint all of these and decorate it in our fish tank where Tibby and Geneva lives." she jumped in excitement.

" I bet they will love it !"  I said, kissing her on forehead.

'She is still child by heart.' I thought, bringing a smile on my face.

" Sung-Jae, look what I got !" she rushed over to her then awake brother. 

They both laid on their stomach and examined the shells closely. I smiled to myself as I watched them bond over shells. A hand rested on my shoulder as I looked over to him, standing next to me. I smiled at him as he kissed me on forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder. This was peace. The one I have been looking for. 

" Okay, Kids! Get ready! I found a perfect place for breakfast so who's hungry ?" he cheered.

" MEEEEE!!!!!" Namiko and Sung-Jae cheered in unison. 

It was that time of the year, where we, as a family would randomly choose a place to have our holidays. We have been doing it for six consecutive years and over time, the bonding seems to get better and better. With our children growing right in front of our eyes to making memories and staying happy. This time, our destination was Hawaii. Kids loved travelling around and exploring different cultures. It was our plan to exposing them to various cultures so they grew up respecting them in all ways. 

" What is this place? It seems to be pretty famous among foreigners." I asked looking around at the people who filled in every inch of that open local resto-bar.

" Yeah. It's famous here." he answered.

He had already booked a table for us so it was easy to get a spot. We sat down to have our breakfast. The kids were happy and we had a good time. We had almost finished our food when the performers appeared to showcase their welcome dance. Everyone hooted and cheered along with him.

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