Chapter 27

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" We are here, Dad !" Tiara's voice snapped me out of my memories. 

The massive, widely spread international airport stood in front of us. Tiara and Jihun still didn't talk to each other whereas Clara and Eunho kept each other company as I stared in the distance. Past those glass windows, looking at the planes and other staffs working for a takeoff. Soon, we checked-in and board the plane. It was a seven hour-long flight. I tried to distract myself by watching some random movie playing on the screen but how can I make my thoughts stop when they are taking over me.

I sighed as I looked over to Tiara who seems to be enjoying her time alone and Jihun still trying to make-up for the sake of their friendship. The smile I had on my lips faded as I realized that all the hate that Tiara has towards Mia, could've been for me. At first, Tiara would wait for Mia to come back but as she grew up, she lost hope and gave in for the hate and feeling of abandonment. Over the years, I lived with guilt that I took away a mother from her daughter. No matter how much I try to get rid of this feeling, I can't. Sometimes, I think of telling Tiara the truth that it was because of me that Mia had left her but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Fearing that it will break my daughter's heart and I won't be prepared for all the hate.

We arrived at our destination, Hawaii. It was perfect for a trip. We decided to rest in for that day and would explore around the next day. It was easier for me to fall asleep because I was tired and woke up refreshed the next morning. We went to a local resto-bar which was bustling with people and seems to be very famous around here. We got ourselves a table for both two families. The table was filled with chatter and laughter. I felt a lot better, spending time with our one big family. Drawing our attention was the local dance that performers did on the stage. The people cheered and enjoyed the performance. 

" Let's get it !" a guy shouted from another table. 

" That guy seems a lot more excited than the rest of the people here." Jimin laughed. 

I chuckled along as dancers took a few people from the audience to become a part of the dance performance. Tiara and Jihun were picked as for us, the parents cheered for our children. They followed the dancers closely and matched their steps. I felt a boost of serotonin as I saw Tiara smiling and enjoying her time. Nothing seems to bother me anymore if I could see Tiara smiling like this. Children do grow real fast, feels like she was small just yesterday. In no time, I started clapping and cheering for my daughter who wooed everyone with her graceful moves.

" Oh! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Ma'am !" my attention deviated to the small commotion at a distance. The server was apologizing for spilling a drink on the dress of the woman. 

" Nah. It's fine." The woman looked up from her dress to the server and her face came into the view. 

"..Mia ?" I said under my breath as my eyes widened. I couldn't believe my eyes.

" I'm so sorry, Ma'am." the server apologized repeatedly.

I rose from my seat to have a better view of the face and it was indeed Mia. My eyes locked on her face. My heart raced as I wanted to reach out to her. Her hair was tied in back in a pony. Her face seems to be glowing even in natural light. She hasn't changed much since the last time I saw her. She carried the same manners. The same smile and the same humbleness. It was no doubt, Mia. If something would've changed than it would be her hair color and how she carried herself.  

" Taehyung ?" Clara called me, which made me look at her.

" Huh ?"

" Why are you standing ?" she asked.

" I.." I looked back at the spot where I saw Mia but she was no more there. 

" Is something wrong, Tae ?" Jimin asked, looking in the same direction. 

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