Chapter 28

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"Hey, so apparently everyone's getting together later for some drinks, obviously you're invited... so are you coming?"

Garcia was too busy typing on her computer and didn't answer. So I stepped in a little bit more and leaned against the wall. "You know it would be a lot less depressing if you came, I love drunk Penelope."

She turned around in her chair and wanted me to take a seat in front of her. She didn't try to hide the wide smile on her face. "Sit, sit."

While chuckling I took a seat, "What's got you so happy?"

"Now that you're here alone, I can ask you all about Hotch."

I grinned and shook my head in slight embarrassment, "I don't kiss and tell."

"Yeah well you already promised me, so spill."

I put my elbows on the table and folded my hands, staring down at them. Where was I supposed to even start, he was everything to me.

The main reason why I wanted to do anything, when I wake up I see him, when I go to sleep at night, he's always right there.

That's the way its been for a while, even before we started dating, my best friend.

I sighed, "What do you want to know?"

She started to list many things, as she would any other person. Garcia was the gossip and every detail needed to be shared with her. Asking what he was normally like when he was away from work given that the only time they spend with each other outside of work is with everyone else.

She wanted to know who boyfriend Hotch was, honestly before when we weren't dating I couldn't picture it. I knew how he acted because of how close we were but him being a boyfriend was something I had never considered.

"He's kind, gentle, protective, funny, loving... possessive."

"In a bad way or..."

"Oh, all good things", I said with a smile. "I'm not going to go too much into it but come on, you know him. You've seen how he is."

She took a moment to drink her cup of coffee, "How's Jack adjusting, with you not just being the friend anymore." Jack loved it, he treats me like I'm his mom and respects me.

"He loves me, the kid has the biggest heart. I knew he wouldn't have a problem with it."

When the door creaked open Penelope shut her mouth and watched Hotch take steps into the small room, "Y/n, I was looking for you, can we talk for a minute?"

"You guys can talk in here, it's fine." Garcia was quick to leave the room and give us some privacy, it was convenient considering the one question she had yet to ask. I knew it was going to happen eventually but of course I wasn't going to answer it.

"What is it?"

"I wanted to know how you were doing, I didn't see you in the bullpen and you didn't answer your phone. Reid said he saw you come in here." He grabbed onto my hands and stood closer.

I could see the questions behind the concern in his eyes.

"After our talks, I'm better. I promise, if I have a problem you'll be the first to know." I wasn't seeing them anymore but I still had some restless nights. I was slowly starting to forgive myself for what had happened. I needed to move on, it was the only thing I could do.


By the time I finished work it was seven thirty and the team agreed to meet at eight o'clock. As for me I was still in the office because of Aaron.

Undercover | a. hotchner |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz