Chapter 16

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I was laying down with Aaron and I just felt off. His chest was pressed to my back holding me close while I stayed awake all night.

I was upset, I wasn't tired, I just wanted to cry. I struggled to get up and look at the time, 1:35AM great.

I unwrapped Aarons arms from around my waist and stood up going into the bathroom. I had dark circles under my eyes like I hadn't slept in days, I felt...weak.

I closed my eyes and put my head down. I heard footsteps steps behind me, Aaron was leaning on the doorway looking at me through the mirror.

"Sweetheart what are you doing up?" He asked in a deep gravelly voice. His eyes almost completely shut like he was going to knock out right there.

"I don't know, I jus-," I sighed. "I don't know." I walked over to him patting him on the chest going to lay back down.

"No, there's something wrong, I can tell", He turned around. He's not going to let it go.

"Lately... I've been a little stressed. Work seems too much right now and I just want to cry."

He walked over to me. Kneeling down between my legs, putting a hand on my knee. "How about we go out. I wanna take you somewhere." I was confused; where would we be going at almost two in the morning, but we got dressed and walked outside to the car.

The winter air was crisp but not too cold. Getting into the car he started driving; it was calm and quiet with light music playing in the background.

My mind wondered as I looked at the sky through the window.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the car stopped.

When I saw the clock it said two thirty. We left the apartment at one forty, driving for almost an hour. I looked around and saw nothing. He got out of the car, opening my door for me. He grabbed my hand helping me out.

I saw nothing but grass and trees. We were on a huge ass hill that overlooked a forest, it reminded me of the clearing we found; but this was different.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I saw Aarons expression change. "I used to come here when I was stressed or needed a break. Usually around this time."

Sitting on the hood of his car he continued. "I always came here alone, this was my way of escaping in a sense."

Gazing at the sky it was black with tints of blue, purple, pink, and orange. The grass was overgrown, the breeze had a slight chill, and the wind rustling the trees. I was staring at the stars, there was no light pollution.

It was just space and seeing it clearly was relieving and damn near therapeutic. He put his arm around me holding me against him, throwing a blanket over us.

I let out a deep breath and drifted off to the sounds of Aaron humming a song.

I woke up to an arm shaking me, "Princess we got to go."

I sat up groaning, "Why."

"We have work", getting back into the car I stretched.

"Oh right"


When we got to work Aaron and I automatically went to Garcia's office. We walked in and she turned around in her chair. There was a huge smile on her face, "Oh my god... I'm so happy for you guys. I knew something was going on."

Closing the door behind us Aaron said, "You didn't tell anyone right?"

"No sir I didn't tell a soul... if you don't mind I have a few questions." We nodded and sat down.

Undercover | a. hotchner |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant