Chapter 2

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Where is he?

The team was gathered outside under the lights or the patio. Hotch was nowhere to be found. Nobody noticed because of the immense amount of alcohol consumed.

They partially took advantage of the drink and honestly I would've too but I was worried about the kids. But when I looked for them I realized they were inside sleeping on the couch.

No one noticed I had slipped away as they conversed with one another.

Making my way inside I searched for him. "Why the fuck is his house so big... geez." I wandered through the hallway, saying fuck it.

"Aaron!", I called through the corridor. I heard a faint noise and I turned around, "In here."

Moving back a few rooms he was leaning against the railing of the balcony in the front of the house. "The parties about four hundred feet the other way, you know that right." He smiled and took a sip of his scotch.

"Yeah I know", he looked at me as I made my way over. I stood next to him.

"You alright?", he nodded slowly. "Then why'd you break away."

"Wanted some time alone."

"Sorry by the way, I know earlier I said I didn't accept the fact you wanted to be alone on your birthday. Sorry for tricking you." He shook his head and fully turned his body to face me.

"It's fine, I enjoyed it... other than having to deal with the drunk antics." The comment made both of us erupt in a small laughter.

"If I remember, when I left Morgan had made a comment about how they needed to get Reid laid." The dimples hidden behind his usual serious face were prominent. It was weird hearing him laugh, I've made him laugh plenty of times but with Hotch you never seem to get used to it.

It was always a pleasant surprise, "He might benefit from it." I nudged his arm. "Just saying."

We calmed down and took in the surroundings. It was already dark outside and with Rossi he needed 'privacy'. His mansion as he corrected me earlier was away from everyone, in a secluded area.

"Anyways just wanted to see where you went, I was kind of worried you ran off."

"I didn't run off, see", he touched my hand. "I'm right here, still on the property, with you."

"That you are", Hotch ran his thumb over the back of my hand until he realized what he was doing and pulled his hand away from mine.

"How are you feeling? Feel any older." A cold breeze passed through and he noticed when I shivered. "Cold?"

I shrugged, "Just a little." Setting his glass down he walked inside, shuffling around a bit till he found what he was looking for.

He headed back towards me with a quilt from the couch inside the room, "To answer your question, yeah I do, especially when I remember how much older I am compared to you guys."

Hotch draped the blanket over my shoulder and around my body and I mumbled a quick 'thank you'. "You're not that much older."

"You know what I'd give to be thirty again." I gasped dramatically and smiled, "Aaron Hotchner I am not thirty... I'm twenty nine. Did you forget my birthday."

"Of course not, it's August... firs--", he saw my face change, "I mean fifth." He said slowly.

"Okay fine... but you still messed up my age."

"That doesn't change the fact that it's a nineteen year gap."

"And... what's wrong with that."

"Nothing, it's just... I feel old", I pulled the blanket off from around my shoulders and wrapped it around the both of us. He glanced down at me and smirked.

My head leaned on his shoulder, "You're not old. You're wise." Hotch took the final sip of his drink and set the glass down. I felt his chest move from the subtle breaths he was taking.

His arm came up and tugged against my waist, bringing me into a hug. "That makes me feel a little better." His head rested on top of mine. I looked up from his chest, "I'm always here to help"

"Thank you." He whispered and then we stayed quiet. The insects and animals were heard because of the lack of words being spoken.

The deep breaths we took were gentle and soothed us both. His body heat warmed me up and just the pressure of his body against mine made me feel better.

The words Penelope spoke of once again crept into my mind. Was I attracted to him? Was I enjoying this too much?

I was soaking in the fact that the man hugging me was actually the person I wanted the most... I never thought of it that way.

I was attracted to him in the way of "this is a really good person." He would sacrifice a lot for the people close to him, meaning me.

I wasn't blind to the obvious observation that he was indeed attractive and not just on an emotional and personality base but a physical one as well. Throughout the years I've known I was only now figuring out that he was the ideal man for me.

I wanted him, more now than ever. And the realization would've never come to surface if it wasn't for Garcia she just had to open her mouth.

I wasn't mad, just frustrated. I didn't know if Hotch wanted the same thing. Not knowing was suffocating me.

I was dragged away from my mind when Hotch looked at me, "Are you alright? What are you thinking about?" You

"Nothing, just a little tired I guess."

"Let's just call it a night, okay." I nodded and followed his movements. He grabbed the empty glass and I folded up the blanket. Placing it on the couch, we walked out of the room.

Both of us taking our time before returning to everyone outside, we snooped around his mansion, surprisingly not finding anything interesting other than his Cuban cigars.

When he got back outside the team was barely awake.

Reid was laying down on two chairs, Morgan was head back passed out with Garcia's head resting on his shoulder. Rossi had no doubt gone to bed already, Emily was in the pool swimming and JJ was heading inside to get her kids.

"I'm gonna get Jack." He turned away and went inside. "Y/n", Emily called out.

Going over to her I sat down at the edge of the pool, dipping my feet in. "What is it?" She swam over and stared up at me with a smile on her face.

"Couldn't help but notice that you and Hotch were gone. Where'd you guys go?" I huffed and she continued, "I know nothing happened, I'm just fucking with you. Anyways, when are you heading home."

"Actually we... I drove them here and we're leaving after he gets Jack which is." I saw Hotch wave over to me and I stood up. "Right now... bye, and please try not to drown."

As I left the pool I tapped on Reid and Morgan, waking up Garcia. Looking drowsy they all glared at me, "You need a ride home."

"I think I'm gonna stay, make sure Emily doesn't die but thanks." Morgan stated.

"If he's staying, so am I." Garcia said, putting her head back down on him. "Well I want to go, this is going to suck tomorrow."

I chuckled, helping Reid up from the chairs. I put a hand on his shoulder to steady him, "That it is Dr, Reid."

"Ready?", Hotch nodded and we headed towards the car.

Jack and Reid went back to sleep during the car ride and when the time came to drop them off Hotch helped Spencer out of the car and brought him inside his apartment.

Staying awake wasn't that hard as he kept me company knowing I would've been sleeping hours ago. "Alright this is you."

I put the car in park and he opened his door, "Thank you for tonight, it was nice."

"You don't have to thank me." He smiled and climbed out, getting Jack and closing the door. "Bye y/n, oh and happy birthday."

"Bye", I made sure they made it inside before driving home.

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