Chapter 6

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I fell asleep in his car on the way to my apartment.

"Hey." He had his hand on my arm and tried to shake me awake.

"Mhmm." I felt my side of the car get cold when he opened my door, getting a cold breeze. I fell back to sleep by the time I felt his hands on my body.

When I woke up I had a pounding headache. Breathing was just as painful; every breath was a struggle.

Every time I inhaled I felt my ribs expand and that's when I got the sharp pain. It was as if I was hit by a car.

Walking into the kitchen to get water Hotch was already there with a cup of coffee. "What are you doing here?", he held a cup of water towards me and some ibuprofen.

"You told me to stay. I slept on the couch if you were wondering."

Hotch had a tight navy blue t-shirt that hugged his torso perfectly, along with a pair of grey sweatpants. It was a great sight to see but one I'd never get used to.

"I tried to wake you up last night but you were so tired; I had to carry you inside." He carried me inside.

Hotch took a step towards me and leaned on the counter, "How's the bruising?"

He was gazing into my eyes like he'd never seen them before and I couldn't stop looking at him. "It's hard to breathe. Hurts to walk a little bit and I can't really lay on my side." His face tenses slightly.

"Where does it hurt?" I picked up my hand and rubbed my bruise. His hand came up and started tracing patterns on my side.

"Right here?" He whispered, I moved my hand to his waist.

"Yeah", my voice was barely audible.

We both started to lean in.

His eyes flicked down to my lips and me to his. My breath hitched, ready for what was gonna happen.

Our lips were millimeters away from each other when Hotch got a phone call.

His face was right in front of mine. My lips barely grazed over his soft ones.

I wanted so bad to just lean forward more and from the looks of it he wanted to as well. His eyes still locked on mine, hand on my waist and face.

He pulled his hand away to reach for the ringing phone. I could feel his breath on my lips, "Hotchner." He stayed looking at me and he never pulled back.

"No she's at her apartment", he paused. "Got it we'll be in."

"We have to head into the office", I hummed in agreement. His hand returned to my face. I subconsciously leaned into his touch.

He took that as a sign, as he inched closer. I took a deep breath and pressed my lips to his. He tugged at my waist pulling me towards him. My pelvis pressed into his body.

His lips moved against mine with ease, he was gentle and passionate. My hand made its way to his chest resting against his heart. My other hand went to the base of his neck deepening the kiss.

Hotch exhaled and pulled away pressing his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry", he said slightly out of breath. I looked back up at him.

"Aaron, it's okay." His gaze met my eyes and he moved his hand to my arm.

What just happened? We started to regain our breath.

"What was the phone call about?" Hotch turned away, going to the couch for his clothes.

"It was a reminder, Strauss wants the paperwork for the case on her desk by tonight." Hotch was getting the suit he wore yesterday.

"If you wanna shower here that's fine", I said, stepping out of the kitchen. I was walking into my room to change; I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and Hotch was following me.

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