Chapter 20

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As I carefully made my way outside I took my time surveying the area. Looking at my surroundings, there's only enough time to gather some information without staring.

Feeling Hotch's presence behind me I turned around and pushed him back. "Don't fucking touch me asshole." I said loud enough for Carmine to hear.

It took seconds for Aaron to realize what I was doing to try and get his attention.

From the corner of my eye Carmine had looked over at the disturbance and saw us. "Amelia I don't think you understand what happened."

I had worked myself up, increasing my breathing, and making tears form in my waterline. Making it seem as though I was livid with him.

I turned away and Hotch walked closer to me, "Please let me explain." He said softer, with regret in his voice.

I slowed my breath, "Fine but do that bullshit again and you'll find yourself six feet under." I said sternly, "Leave me alone, we'll talk later", I walked to the ledge and looked at the skyline.

It was dramatic but it got Carmine's attention, hearing footsteps behind me I turned my head slightly. Got you dumbass.

"I noticed the commotion a little while ago, you okay sweetheart?"

I felt his cold hand on my lower back. "Yeah I'm okay, just pissed off at him. He had the audacity to do that to me, I deserve better."

"Pretty little thing like you, of course you do." His fake concern made the words that poured out of his mouth sour, hearing him call me a 'pretty little thing' made my skin crawl.

Carmine observes my body, thinking I don't notice his eyes scanning every inch. "After that commotion, do you have a place you can stay or are you gonna go back home with that asshole?"

"I'll probably go back with him, he might be a dick but he's my husband. I'm not gonna leave after one fight."

He ushers me back to where he was before, under the lights and behind the security of the men that surrounded him.

"So what do you do for a living?"

"I invest in multiple companies, some private businesses I let them get started, build it up and I watch the money pour in."

"What kind of private business?" He smiles at me while looking into my eyes. The feeling unsettles me, making me feel cold.

"Things like clothing, antique shops, some offshore practices." It gets his mind wondering what exactly I focus on and what I'm in too.

He stands and reaches his hand out for me, "Let's talk in private."


Rossi walks over to Hotch who is sitting at the bar.

"Do you see y/n?"

"She was with Carmine outside, they were talking, that's all I saw."

Morgan looks around from the dance floor with Emily, "We don't see her, she's not outside neither is Carmine."

Rossi talks into the earpiece, "Garcia I need you to hack the cameras, find her now." Garcia clicks through the cameras before seeing me walk up a staircase behind Carmine.

"Second floor far right corner, they're going into a room."

"Can you get eyes in there." She keeps searching for a way to see in the room but for now all they can do is wait for me to exit. Until they have a reason they can't go barging in.

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