Chapter 31

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A Week Later

After a week of looking the case ended with a bullet in the unsubs head. His name was Matthew Ford and he had gone back to his old ways, killing abusive fathers. He had been released from prison for good behavior a week prior to the killings.

On our way to the jet and spoke to Aaron, he hadn't spoken to Rossi about the vacation yet. Definitely after this case we all needed one.

Having a knife to my throat wasn't exactly fun. We all knew he wouldn't have killed me because I didn't match what he wanted but he would've done anything to not go back to prison.

With enough pressure on my jugular, Hotch took the shot when he saw drops of blood run down my neck.

It ended with a slow night, he held me as much as he could and I him. But now he held my hand while his other was on the steering wheel, he savored my touch.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything princess." He glanced at me and ran his thumb over my knuckles.

I let out an exhausted sigh, "Can you talk to Rossi about that vacation he mentioned, I talked to the team about it and they all agree we need one." He brought the back of my hand to his lips and pecked it.

"Of course."

Was Dave joking about the vacation, probably but he would definitely take it if we all asked nicely. But mainly Aaron, he's better friends with him than I am.

Stepping onto the jet I automatically made myself comfortable with a window seat. My head against the wall, the sounds of the jet taking off soothed my growing headache.

I heard Rossi's throat clear and we all turned our attention to him, he was sitting in front of Morgan and I.

"It's come to my attention that when I mentioned the vacation all of you took me seriously and before you say anything, let me guess, you all want me to pay for it."

"We'll pay you back", JJ said carefully.

"And you get to choose where we go." Reid mentioned.

I looked at Rossi, "Come on, help us out, we're so stressed and I was almost killed." Was using my almost death manipulative, yes but I did what needed to be done.

Rossi glanced at all of us, "Fine." Yays were spread throughout the jet.

I feel like I needed this the most. My mind was constantly on my ex, Hayley, combined with the stress of the job and what happened with Carmine and this case.

Some nights I'd wake up covered in sweat and others I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. It still felt fresh and I needed an escape. From the looks of it Aaron didn't have any problems with it.


"Pack your summer clothes because tomorrow morning at eight we're catching a flight to Honolulu, first class tickets and I want to be paid back by the end of the year."

Rossi grabbed his things and drove home. In somewhat of a hurry Morgan, JJ, and Emily left as well. Leaving Reid, Aaron, and I in the bullpen. But as I heard shuffling next to me, Spencer was on his way to go.

My eyelids were starting to get droopy and I put my head down. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep", I picked up my head and saw Spencer still sitting at his desk.

"I would but Hotch drove me."

"So, how are you and him?" I didn't look at him.

"Fine I just wish he'd hurry up!", I mumbled, slightly yelling the last part. Spencer was still talking to me but everything started to fade away. A haze covered me and eventually, he was gone by the time I woke up.

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