Chapter 32

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My arms were wrapped around him and my hands around his torso. The AC was blasting in the room, which he knows I don't like.

But of course he'll do it anyway and that's the only way I can sleep. He knows I'll wrap around him to make myself warmer and he loves it.

His back was pressed against my chest. My legs were over top of his, tangled in each other. I felt him shift in front of me.

"This is different", I heard him mumble into the pillow. "I like it though."

"Figured you would, who doesn't wanna be held." He made quick movements and flipped us around so he was holding me.

"Yeah, being held is nice and all but this is better." His hand went under my shirt and rested on my stomach. Right as I was going to fade away again his phone rang; I let out a sigh.

"Every fucking time, well I'm up now." I dragged myself up and went to the bathroom while Aaron laid in bed answering the phone. I looked at the clock, it was seven.

A few minutes after I was in the shower, I heard Aaron. "Who was that?"

"Dave made dinner reservations and Morgan wants us to go out with them tonight." I stepped out of the shower and left Aaron in while he finished.

"They just went out two days ago, I swear we're gonna have to take them to the hospital."

Leaving the bathroom I left the door open, I still wanted to talk to him. I put on some clothes and sat on the bed. Racking my brain on what to do for the time being and I felt the tightness in my stomach.

"Aaron, can we get some room service?"

"Sure princess." He said walking out of the bathroom with the towel around his waist. Low on his hips, the water dripped down every muscle of his body.

"I'm gonna tell Spencer we'll be out later today; I'm spending all my time with you." Sending the text, I tossed my phone to the side.

I placed the order while Aaron was getting dressed. Trying my hardest to focus on the words I wanted to say and not his naked body across the room.

I could hear him laughing, he could sense the way I was looking at him. I wasn't ashamed, I had him all to myself.

My head was on the pillow and my eyes were closed, waiting for him to be done. When the bed dipped I knew he was.

My hands found a way to his waist and I started tickling him, his muscles tensed and he tried not to react but I already knew he was going to.

"Ah, fuck. Y/n.. stop", he started moving away from me until he had no more room left on the bed and he rolled off the mattress.

I tried to hold in my laughter but when I hung over the bed and looked down at him, I let it out. "Baby, are you okay?" Every word was interrupted by a laugh and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Aaron gave me a grin staring at me, "You want to be like that huh?" I smiled, nodding my head.

He started to stand up from the floor. I had to take the chance while I still had it. Getting up and bolting.

I opened the door walking down the hallway till I saw him coming after me, "No fuck you..." I was giggling, now jogging down the hall.

I was making my way down, snapping around a corner, I didn't see him anymore. I held in my laughter and peeked down the corridor.

I thought I lost him so I made my way back into the room when I felt a pair of hands holding me on my waist. He swiftly picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Aaron!", I yelled, smacking his back .

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