Chapter 17

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Few days later

"Did you hear me?", Aarons deep voice rumbled through the car. My eyes snapped from looking out of the window to him in the driver's seat.

"I'm sorry, say that again." I said tirelessly. I hadn't been sleeping for the past few days, I had darker circles under my eyes. I can only use so much concealer before a team of profilers would start to wonder what is going on with me.

"I asked if you were hungry, we didn't exactly get to eat this morning." I let out a small hum and averted my eyes back to the scenery outside.

With the large droplets of water covering the glass, I noticed the reflection of the car in the puddles on the street. The gloomy days fogged my mind, I was thinking about everything and anything.

"Y/n you're doing it again, are you okay?" Aaron glanced over at me, his sight momentarily left the road.

I reassured him, "Baby I'm fine, just tired. To answer your earlier question, no I'm not hungry but thanks." Yeah... just tired.

Everything blurred and blended together, I completely forgot what day it was until Aaron reminded me. Maybe it was because we were in that stage with no cases, just desk work.

I didn't realize we made it to work until the car stopped and the heat dissipated from the car. Aaron reached his hand out for mine and I grabbed it, squeezing tightly; going into the building.

"I need to talk to you when we get upstairs okay... wait for me in my office." I nodded and he kissed my temple before we left the elevator.

Ignoring everyone saying their hellos, I walked straight to his office, closing the door behind me and locking it. Why I locked the door I don't remember, I felt the need to be on edge.

With the turning of the door knob and a faint knock, Aaron was behind the door.

When I let him in he turned the chair in front of his desk towards me and sat down.

"Y/n please tell me what's going on?"

I let out a deep breath. "I've just been a little irritable, I'm okay... really." I smiled weakly at him.

Aaron opened his mouth to say something, probably trying to get me to talk about it. Which I didn't mind, I liked that he cared but I didn't want to feel like a burden.

A knock came from the door and I opened a few seconds later, we were both met with Strauss.

"Agent Hotchner I need to speak to--", Strauss saw me on the couch. "Good you're both here." Hotch stood from his spot in front of me and walked back to behind his desk.

"What's this about", I broke the silence in the room.

"We need you two to go undercover into the Stalone crime family." I scrunched up my face looking at Aaron but immediately dropped any sign of emotion.

"Can you repeat that again ma'am." I said standing up to stand next to her.

"You both will need to go undercover, there's been a suspicion that the family is responsible for a string of murders in New York. The people that were murdered were affiliated with the family. You'd be gone no longer than a few weeks, Agent Hotchner will be your significant other as from what we have gathered he only takes couples. You guys would have to gain their trust longer enough to prove they committed the crimes. Anything they have you do to prove your trust will be excused. Now do you have any questions?"

What she just dropped was a lot to think about and there were many factors playing into this. What will happen at the BAU while we're gone, how are we supposed to gain his trust, who the hell even is Stalone and finally will we be in contact with the team.

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