Chapter 33

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TW: Rape and graphic detail of the action

This is necessary for her development. I'm going into detail so continue with caution


As I was passing one of the buildings I felt hands going around my mouth and arms around my waist pulling me backwards into the alley.

My mind was flooded with confusion, and fear. My mind was running a hundred miles an hour; I was unable to process it.

Who just grabbed me? What the fuck is happening?

I was still getting dragged, every step I saw the street lights getting further away and the darkness of the alley taking over my sight. I could hear the husky breathing of the man behind me.

He pulled me into a corner where the dumpsters were. We weren't in a building but we had cover; no one saw what this man was doing. When we got under he turned me around and slammed my back on the wall, my head smacked against the cold brick.

I couldn't see his face, he had a mask; I could see his eyes.

I know those eyes, I used to see them all the time; those are the eyes that caused me daily pain.

He roughly moved his hand over my shoulder, taking off the strap of my tank top. I was throwing my hands, scratching down his arm. His skin was cached under my fingernails, "Fucking whore!" He hissed through his teeth.

He was losing it, his patience decreased and he held onto my throat. The palm of his hand pressed into my windpipe. I was wheezing with every breath, struggling to get air into my lungs.

He used his other hand to take my shirt into his fist. With one forceful motion he tore off my top, exposing my chest.

Streams of tears flowed down my face, and fear paralyzed my body, "Plea- please!" I cried out. Trying to move out of his grip but it was no use. Tossing me onto the pavement, my knees scraped on the small bits of rubble.

Hurrying to my feet, I tried to run away. Cutting the bottoms of my feet with pieces of glass and sharp rocks.

But the heavy footsteps behind me came closer and closer. He grabbed onto my legs and my torso slammed on the concrete, knocking the remaining air out of my lungs.

Groaning from the pain, he climbed on top, using his body weight to cover me and secure his agenda.

With every muscle in my body I tried, god knows I tried to smack, punch, bite. A sudden sting across my cheek stunned me, and my ear rang.

His hips sat down on mine and there was no way I was getting out. His fingers toyed with the buttons of my shorts, I knew what was about to happen. My shorts bunched at my ankles and he ripped my underwear off.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed, laying scratches on his face and trying to gauge his eyes.

Aaron thinks I'm in the hotel room peacefully sleeping; waiting for him to crawl into bed. He wanted to hold me, tell me he loved me over and over so I knew.

I should've waited. I shouldn't have left without him.

I knew it was over when I heard the clanking of his belt and his zipper. He was getting ready to...

It felt like I was being torn open, I knew there was blood. He was gripping my thighs, leaving dark bruises.

I finally gave up, I felt numb. I felt like I was outside my body watching what was happening.

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