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Last night was a hit with the werewolves! I learned last night that the average pack gained about 2 werewolves per event, which sounds small but they are an endangered species. Last night, a lot of Alphas added to their packs and mates were united. The howling was almost deafening.

Apparently the last time this event was held here almost a decade ago, most wolves were solely looking for their mates. Alpha's that had mated with their Luna's hadn't bothered to show up for two reasons.

1. Thought it was a trap because who trusts vampires...

2. They thought they would be challenged for their position.

But what they had failed to recognize was that their families could grow exponentially and loyal wolves could find their Alpha, not just their mate, at these events.

Being sleep deprived and still a bit drunk, I laid on Fiona's couch eating chocolate covered strawberries in lilac silk slip and matching robe she had leant me. It was divine.

"Stop making those sounds or we will drag you into bed with us!"

"I can't help it if each of these are perfection! And this robe is gorgeous, I can't let a drop of chocolate or strawberry juices stain it." I continued to bite and suck and moan as each one tasted better than the last.

"Can you hear yourself? Do you hear her love? I think she's trying to seduce us."

"You wish, Liam." Hearing my moan grow louder as I licked my fingers, I blushed and heat went straight to my core. "Oh my....I am so so sorry." Apparently the longer I was in this realm, the more of my fae side would reveal itself. Unlike the human part of me, the fae part of me is openly sensual and sexual.

I hid under a pillow that Fiona had thrown at me from the bed laughing her head off.

"I'll suffocate myself and die under here now. Ok, bye!!!" I waved my hand and pushed the pillow into my face.

"Oh don't be so hard on yourself. We knew what you meant, we were just teasing you." Fiona said while passing by the couch on her way to the bathroom. "I knew there was a sex kitten hidden in there, didn't I babe?"

"You were right as always, love," Liam winked at me sitting on the couch at the end where my feet were. "Usually right" He mouthed at me.

"Here are some supernatural history books you might want to read while you suck the sweet nectar from those strawberries."

"Eww! Liam!" He laughed as I kicked my feet at him.

"Interesting." Liam looked at me. "You truly are an innocent one, unlike the majority of your kind."

I quirked my eyebrow at him.

"You don't seem to be turned on by me anymore. Or while listening to us have s-e-x in the morning."

"Wait?! You guys weren't kidding about that?" Thank goodness I didn't pop my head up.

He doubled over again laughing.

"We never joke about that!"

"Ok, ok, ok...stop. please." I blushed.

"And even the sounds of you enjoying your breakfast didn't turn you on, huh? Very interesting."

What is he getting at. I know that look. That's the look of someone with a theory.

"Why would I find strawberries sexy?"

"Not the strawberries, love, your moaning is fucking sexy as hell. Fiona and I got off twice listening to you eat breakfast."

"Kill me. Now." This time instead of of blush, my face felt like it went cold.

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