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I paced back and forth in my room waiting for Maggie's mom to show up. I had summoned her right after I left Oisin standing alone in the ballroom.

"Maybe she doesn't want anyone else here, Princess, maybe we should leave or hide." Maeve made sense.

"Good idea. Stay close though." I continued to pace as the day wore on. The sun was setting again and I had hoped to be able to see Oisin and Fiona tonight. Maybe with some answers or strategies.

What did I do wrong? Why is she not here?

"Because I have better things to do. I'm not your mum and not at your beck and call."


"Why wouldn't you want to be at my beck and call?" I felt a twinge of hurt.

The old woman sat on my bed the same as last time.

"I've been dead for a long time and only just recently been reunited with my husband. We have a lot to catch up on. If you catch my drift."

"Yep got it. Please don't talk to me about dead people sex." I sat down next to her with a huff.

"Well seeing as we aren't humping each other's corpses, it's more of a spiritual thing. But it takes bloody forever to find one another over here. Make sure to be buried with a name tag. Your spirit doesn't always look like what you are in this lifetime young lady."

She was talking too much. "Okay, I'll get right on that. Top of my list. But before that, can you maybe explain how the future changes making our 'powers of sight' utter shit?" I pinched the bridge of my nose as soon as I heard her laugh. Of course she would laugh.

I'm going to end up giving King Rian the incorrect prophecy and he'll have my head.

"Like water, life force flows. It's fluidity makes it able to adapt to any situation that arises."

"Umm...I'm not following."

"Educated my ass. Listen to your elders on this one dear. The future is not set in stone. If it were an element it would be water. It's how we oracles used to describe it. BUT your outcome usually stays the same unless you change course because of an slight change in the weather."

"But last night..."

"You reacted to the change. You noticed it and made it a bigger deal than it really was and that my dear girl is why you didn't get laid last night by that beast of a man."

"Were you spying on me or catching up with your husband?"

"Both. Don't you ever watch a romantic movie or porn to get you in the mood." She waggled her ghostly eyebrows. Hilarious. I rolled my eyes.

"So let me get this straight: you watch people have sex?"

"What else do you do when you're dead and no one summons you? Is that what you've gotten out of this little chat? Please tell me you are that daft. Oh dear. Oh my."

"No. No, of course not but that's creepy and please don't do that to me." I glanced over at her as she snickered to herself and mumbled something I couldn't hear. "And no, that's not what I got out of this conversation, although it would have been helpful at the time, or this morning. I mean if you are going to be watching my life, at least show yourself when I need you most." I threw my hands up exhausted and fell back on my bed.

"I'll make sure to pop in the next time you are having fun with yourself in the shower." She cackled and dissolved into thin air.

"FUCK! I'm never doing that again!" My hands went over my eyes to hide my blush from a ghost who could see me whenever, wherever.

"What? Get off using the shower head? Come on now. Be realistic. That's like every morning." Maeve said quickly coming out of the closet and over to me.

"And most nights as of late." Violet added.

"You two are not helping." I gave them a look.

"How about a nice hot bath followed by a steamy solo shower session before bed?" Violet was really pushing my buttons.

I rolled over onto my face and tried to ignore them. Lack of sleep, sex, and food can put a faery in a dreadful mood.

Yep. I needed a powerful shower head, some cake, and a good nights rest.

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