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Evelyn's POV

I woke up in Fiona's room, Liam was sleeping on the couch.

It could have been hours or days since I had showered and lay my head on Fiona's side of the bed. I couldn't wait to see my best friend, my sister.

Tears threatened at the corner of my eyes and as soon as one fell, the dam would crack and the hot tears wouldn't stop until there was nothing left.

Sitting up with the pink sheet held up to my chest, I cried silently. The tears rolled down my cheeks leaving tracks behind for the others to follow. It wasn't until I chortled, trying to hold back my melancholic melody, that Liam woke up.

"Fi?" He seemed to have forgotten what was happening. It took him a moment to wake up and come back to reality. It was like watching a kid getting their favorite toy taken away from them. But Liam being Liam wiped his eyes and quickly came over to me with a glass bottle and tissues.

He rubbed my back and put the bottle under my chin. "Did you know that faeries tears have healing properties?" Shaking my head no he continued, "and knowing how exquisitely unique you are these will probably do even more."

Liam kept the glass tincture capturing tears that fell from my cheeks and chin until it was almost full. He wiped the snot from my nose like I was a child. He would have been a great dad. His care and diligence to me during my breakdown is just another example of how worthy he is to be with Fiona.

Fiona. My heart lurched out of my chest at the thought of her not being with Liam. Not feeling the mate bond. Not being home and safe.

"Ya know I've been feeling like shite. Crying day and night over Fiona." He choked out her name and even though he was emotional, Liam kept his focus on me. "She has been my sun and moon. I'm merely a falling star that was lucky enough to be close to her. You remind me of her, ya know? Your brave. Strong. Wild. Caring. Kind. Gorgeous inside and out, even though you have every reason to hate the world. You both love with everything in your being. And that is how I know you will pick your beloved soulmate."

He smiled down at me. "Liam...I'm..so...so sorry."

"Hush now, you've got nothing to be sorry about. I have complete faith in you."

"Why? How? I don't even know..." I couldn't breathe as the panic rose in me.

"Shh, shh love." He had put the tincture down and was helping to dab my tears and snot. I was an ugly crier. "Evee, look at me. I know you will make the right choice because I know my love story cannot end as a tragedy. My mate will come back to me and I will worship her every moment of every day. And we will be eternally grateful to you."

The water continued to flow from my eyes, while drool came out of my mouth and mucus from my nose. Liam didn't leave my side. His caring nature made me feel free to let it all out. So I did.


I must have fallen asleep while crying. "Liam?"

"In here Evee!" He shouted from the bathroom. "I'll be out in a moment!"

He sounded happy. The air felt lighter in here.

"What do ya need? Water? Tea? Maybe a few strawberries?" He pumped his eyebrows.

"Water please." I felt dehydrated. He moved like his old self, a blur, from the bar to the bed with ice cold spring water. Taking a sip my eyes closed. It felt like a breath of fresh air. I tasted it on my tongue and felt the cool water as it went down my throat and into my center.

"Thank you, Liam." My voice sounded smaller than usual, but what made me smile was the absence of sadness. "I had an odd dream, can I tell you about it?"

Liam nodded and got me more water, setting the fresh glass on the nightstand next to me.

"I saw a party, here, in the ballroom upstairs. It was filled with white, pink, and purple orchids. Green vine leaves created thick table cloths and and the walls were covered in vines and flowers. Mostly pink. And you were there. Fiona in a white wedding gown that only she could pull off. Very sexy I might add. And you were in a black tuxedo, dancing with her. Laughter, joy, and cheers filled the room as you two had your first dance as a married couple. And I know who was beside me. I know who my mate is. I also know my mother is dead. She appeared out of thin air, but dreams can be weird like that. Somehow I knew it wasn't just a dream. She hugged me goodbye and told me how sorry she was to abandon me, but that now I'll understand. My father was standing with her but he looked a bit different. He pulled us in for a hug and told me how he's been watching over me. How proud he is of me and what an amazing lady I've become. He said the oddest thing, he wished he could have met me. Which makes zero sense since we did meet, I lived with him. But somehow I knew in that moment that I hadn't met my real father. Does that make sense?"

Liam's eyes were bright and he hugged me. His wet black hair smelling like orchids and coconut. He must have used Fiona's shampoo.

"You had a vision of the future in your dream. Usually an ancestor or spirit guide will reveal themselves and offer guidance. The more vivid and detailed the dream, the more likely it is to come true." He started to cry. "Happy tears lass, these are happy tears. Now tell me, who was standing beside you?"

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