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Darkness. My eyelids feel like they are glued shut and weighted down. No matter how hard I try to fight it my body and mind are in agreement that I need a deep rest.

It feels like my body is floating slowly in a warm air. I miss colors. I miss the sun, moon, and stars. The sound of the Atlantic ocean crashing against rocks and sand crashing and receding back into the water.

I try to scream but my mouth feels sown shut.

I don't hear a single sound.

Whatever this is, it's not death. Death wouldn't be as scary as where I am right now. I don't know how I know, I just know.

Is this what Sleeping Beauty felt like? That's when I see a pair of eyes glaring at me, clearly angry with me.

Another splintering pain in my heart makes me want to scream but I can't.

Some fates are worse than death.

Oisin's POV

Sitting with Rian in our family's private after dinner drinks room. It's very warm and welcoming in here. It hasn't changed since 1802. a low round table in the center for parlor games or glasses filled with Scotch, dessert wines, and other after dinner drinks. Exactly 6 leather chairs, 1 for each of us and 1 for our mate. This is sacred ground. The wooden shelves that aren't lined with alcohol are cluttered with journals and books. First editions of what are now classics.

"Fiona and Liam are with her." Rian wanted to see her but like hell that was happening.

"Does she know about Maggie?"

"No, brother, she found the fucking door. She was able to open the door there is no doubt that she's an oracle, but why would Maggie spell a room that was for her kin?"

"Really? Don't be naïve about Maggie. She wasn't as innocent as you seem to paint her." Disappointment in Rian's demeanor. "You've hidden in there for months on end sulking, so the spell doesn't affect us. Maybe it's for humans? But it's not like Evelyn is totally human, what if we put a human in there and see what happens. And not just any human, a woman that wants one of us. Maggie was the jealous type." 

"Careful brother, you are showing that you care." And I will rip you apart if you do. I don't miss his not so subtle eye roll. 

"I contacted a witch that I trust. She will investigate the room and all of the items in it. We don't want any stone left unturned. No one enters the room but her. We will seal it off after she's reported what the hell is going on in that room. Hopefully that gives us some sort of explanation and a way to wake her up." He furrowed his brow as if he were lost in deep thought.

Unfortunately I need his help. But he's been different since he couldn't bite her. At the dance I could have sworn I saw his humanity show for just a moment. It made me livid.

"Thank you, Rian. I know you aren't happy with me right now-"

"Brother, you have no fucking idea how I feel right now. You should've done your damn job and brought her here to be groomed as our next druid oracle. Her shitty mum and pervert of a step father should have been taken care of years ago. I'd make sure she would have had a life here..."

I stood up to my brother and got in his face. He's pathetic. He's not her hero.

"What life? You wouldn't be able to feed from her, so that leaves sex slave or indentured servant that would be forced to produce a daughter with one of the less than worthy human males living here. You can't be serious?!" I need to breathe before I rip his head off. "Rian, you have taken everything from me. So don't tell me how to do my job." I opened the door to the secret passage way, "Be the leader you promised to be or watch your back."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a promise." I slammed the door shut. I must have just missed the heavy crystal tumbler he threw at me but instead shattered onto the floor.


I stood outside my door listening to Fiona cry and curse while Liam comforted her.

"Fucking cunt." That's an odd way to talk to a friend that can't wake up.

"Fiona?" I opened the door in shock.

"She doesn't mean her, Oisin." Liam's hands are on Fiona's shaking shoulders as she sobs. "Although we have tried using Evelyn's least favorite words to wake her up." He looks at me with a pathetic attempt of a smile, glassy eyed. 

"Liam, would you give us a moment?" I need to talk to Fiona alone. As much as he's family, I can't trust if he is truly her mate or someone in love, like I was with Maggie.

"No." I respect his ability to stand next to his woman but he needs to listen to me because I take all my anger out on him. I'll rip him limb from limb.

"It's alright Liam," Fiona breathed out her face red and puffy, her hand over his on her shoulder, "Oisin, I will talk to you in moment. Let me freshen up and say goodbye to Liam in private. Please." Her tear filled eyes and running nose plea with me so I nod and agree to I step out.

I'm leaning on the wall next to the door. Liam stomps out of my room obviously agitated.

"I didn't think you'd send me away from her side. You know how I feel for her. You've trusted me to protect her. How dare you send me away now?" He spat at me.


"Don't. You and Rian think you know everything and are her entire family but your not. I am."

As much as I wanted to wring his pretty little throat right then and there, I had to reign in my emotions and walk back into that room with my mate and my distraught sister. So I put my crossed arms up and Liam backed away before he blurred down the hall.

Fiona stands up and I go to her for comfort only to find the opposite. I'm taken aback by the her hand when it slaps across my face. "That's for how you just treated Liam. You deserve another on her behalf." She is back by her side in blink.

She's right. My soulmate is unconscious because of me. Rian and I created the mess that became Maggie. And now we are repeating history, just with someone less power hungry.

I fall to my knees and lose it. "It's all my fault. All my fault. Please. Please. Please..." I don't even know who I am talking to. I don't think I believe in God. "I'm to blame. Her pain is my fault. She's all that I have...please..." I cry out. She's my heaven and now I've created my hell.

"Oisin?! I didn't mean it. It'll be ok. We'll get her back." Fiona is cradling my head but he voice becomes distant as I shatter. She needs me the most right now and here I am falling to pieces. 

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