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"She's not supposed to be treated like this. If it were her nan it she would be sucking off cocks left and right!"

"Oi! Enough. The both of you. Let me get her dressed and settled before you pick her apart. Lord knows you want to break her like you do all of the other female slaves here."

It was Liv! She was here! She sounded a bit different but her style was the same. But something was just a tad off.

"Liv! B-but you how do you know me? You didn't know me? OH MY GOD! This whole thing is a dream! Thank the Lord! Listen to me, Liv, I had this..." I start of stuttering and am smiling by the end of my sentiment which gets cut off with an unexpected sting on my face

"Ow! What the actual fuck. Did you just bitchslap me?!" I know I'm blushing from my chest up so any hand mark wouldn't show. It stung like a bad sunburn only worse. I've been hit before but this felt like a rock slapped across my face in a graceful movement that brought me back to this moment in time.

Fuck. Blinking a few times I realize this is my new reality.

"Yep, ya cunt."

"You know I hate that word."

"And you know I don't care." She smiled "Names Fiona. Liv is a bitch and a shite human. She truly is the definition of a cunt."

Her form changed ever so slightly. The Liv I knew was now Fiona and she was gorgeous. If Liv and her were in a beauty pageant, Fiona would win hands down. Being a demon of the night had it's perks: beauty, immortality...ok so 2 perks.

I couldn't help but laugh and feel safe for a moment talking with my friend. You can call a rose by another name, would it not smell as sweet? She was still my friend who liked using the dreaded c-word. Talking, laughing, even being slapped upside the head gave me some form of familiarity. I didn't realize how precious that feeling was to me. I wanted to stay with her. If I can't go home, why not stay with Fiona/Liv. I'll even yell the c-word everyday if she wants me to just so I don't have to live with either of these 2 barbaric, inhumanly good-looking demons.

Just one short exchange with Fiona and I realize that even moving to the states this feeling would elude me.

"So she'll be staying in our room for now? At least until you boys can stop fighting over her..." She winked at me.

Thank the lord they worship. God, I hope it isn't Satan but if it is, I will personally thank Satan for that.

Who was the other part of 'our' I wondered? Mr. Latest GQ?

"No she won't. No special treatment. A human slave is a human slave. If we start treating them differently now and making exceptions to the rules for one, it will be expected for all going forward. I will not allow humans taking over this clan. My clan, my rules. The human sleeps with me at the foot of my bed naked or in the dungeon." Wow. Doesn't he know about human rights?

Probably. He just didn't seem to care.

Great! I'll either vomit from fear or vomit from the smell of blood and possibly other peoples vomit and shit.

"Oh come on mate! You're making her shake again. Have you even introduced yourself to the poor girl?"

"She's not a girl, she's a woman. And no, I haven't, but I will now..."

"I lay claim on this human slave." A familiar voice boomed.

"Brother, I've given you a lot of leash with this particular treaty accord of yours. You dropped the fucking ball and now you want to lay claim to her?! I should declare that I claim her! Would you go against your brother?! Your fucking king?!"

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