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After King Rian was no longer in sight, Alpha Jackson Knox turns his full attention towards me and my knees buckle.

A shorter sandy blonde haired, tanned, bulkier young man steps out from behind his Alpha. I didn't even see him there, but I guess that's part of the point: chaperones are there but not there.

"Princess Evelyn, allow me to introduce to you my Beta and best friend, Zach." Zach put his hand out but looked to his Alpha who was shaking his head no. I tried not to laugh when Zach bowed to me.

I felt somewhat comfortable with these Americans! Heck, they didn't have the same accent as me or share the same zip code back home but they were from my side of the Atlantic. It was like having a little slice of home with me. The good parts about home like hot guys, werewolves, baseball, America's greatest pastime, and high fructose corn syrup.

"Nice to meet you Zach. Thank you for taking the time out for this." I awkwardly stood there as he responded, "Duty calls."

"Ok then." Looking to Alexander, "Let's go for a midnight stroll." But it wasn't even 9pm and Zach was kind enough to correct me on that. Does Zach have to tag along?

As if Alexander heard my thoughts he gave me a knowing grin and laughed, offering me his hand. "Zach will keep his distance." His beta nodded. "But anytime you want to ditch the old-fashioned tag along so you don't lose your maidenhood, let me know and we'll make a run for it." He winked lacing his fingers in mine.

"I'm new to this whole supernatural beings and how everything works but I need you to know that I'm not a virgin, so if you need one of those we should just stop here." I sincerely meant it. I didn't know how mates worked or if there had to be a virgin sacrifice before taking a young woman's virginity.

He barked in laughter. He stopped slapping his huge hands against his wrangler jeans, trying hard to take a breath. "Oh come on Sugar, I don't give a flying fuck if you are a virgin. I know the whole destined mate story sounds magical but in reality..." He looked away and started walking again. "Princess, this world is cruel. You're from NYC? Which parts?"

"Depends on the year. Born and grew up near Fordham University, before Brooklyn was gentrified. My step-dad had a nice place in SoHo, so lived there for a bit. Got into Columbia, so as much as I'd like to say I'm an American, I'm a New Yorker." I emphasized with my unflattering accent that I try to hide as much as possible.

Even his laugh had a Southern twang to it. I sighed thinking about how I should have traveled more. Disney World, Disney Land, the Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone, Seattle, LA. I wouldn't get that now. Even if I live a long time I'm kind of stuck.

"What's on your mind darling? I see those wheels turning." He stopped looked at me as I tried not to cry.

"It's stupid really. I learn my mom's alive, get to meet my biological father, find out I'm a Princess with magical powers, and live in this unbelievable castle. And all I can think about is how I'll never get to see the sunset in Seattle over the mountains at that famous fish market or live in the suburbs like a normal American family." The tears were flowing and he put his arms around me, "People want the fairytale, the magic, the immortality, I just want to go home."

"Well darling, you are home. And you can't change who your parents are, so by birthright you are a Princess, you just were in the dark about it before. And no, you might not have experienced the sunset on the West Coast but you grew up in one of the most famous cities in the world. You aren't normal. You get the fairytale. Why can't that be enough?" He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "But you do have some options open to you. I can't wait to get you smiling again, so I can kiss you. I got some smooth moves Princess." A chuckle from deep in his chest vibrated my entire being. "You want to live in a white picket fence community out in the 'burbs? I'm your man."

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