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"Umm...Leonard you must be seeing a ghost because it's just me and you." A quick glance at the monitor on his security screen and I see that there is someone behind me. A large, intimidating, jacked male.

Turning around slowly, knowing I was already behind the one guard gate that locks in place as soon as someone comes in or out; I felt ok, but not totally safe.

I looked up into bright blue eyes and almost translucent skin. Fuck. Ghosts must be real.

The ghost stories here are too many to keep track of, although Leonard knew them all.

"Which story is this ghost from, Leonard?" I had a bit of liquid courage left.

Leonard didn't answer me but I had hope that he'd hit the security button at his desk. It was a silent alarm.

Then it spoke.

"I guess you could say a ghost and I share a few things in common, but no love, I'm no ghost. Tethered spirits and lost souls are what humans call "ghosts"."

His voice was low and his accent was thick but I couldn't tell if it was Irish, Scottish, Welsh, or a different part of Britain.


I took my eyes off of the thing in front of me for a moment and saw Leonard on the floor of his security hut, eyes open, not moving, laying in a pool of blood.

He looked like he had been dead for some time, so how did I see him a moment ago? How did I get through the gates? What was happening? Did someone spike my drink and I'm having a bad trip?!

Fumbling my way through the next gate, I noticed now that the locks were broken. How did I not see that?!

"You will see what I want you to see."

Can he read my mind?


Thank God.

I was running down the dirt path to where the chapel and pub meet at the oldest stone wall on campus. I silently prayed that one of them would be open at this hour.

Before I hit the stone wall there he appeared. Clear as day. Big, menacing, dark creature dressed in all black. Only his very fair skin stood out. And those blue eyes were now black.

His stance was one of a predator about to attack his prey. Why was I his prey?!

My mind went through many thoughts, the first being CALL 9-1-1 but what was the emergency number here?! I had the security offices number but Leonard is dead! I bolt over through the old trees into a spot I know I hide away to read. It's a bench covered in ivy and other overgrown greenery. I stop for a second and look around. When I don't see him I try to find Liv's number.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up..."

"Hello?" She sounded like she had just woken up which alarmed me. She was just wide awake with the Italian guy.

"Liv, I need your help! Can you call the police and tell them to come to Trinity campus..."

"Who is this?" She laughed.

"Liv, it's me, Evee."

"Is this some kind of prank call? Lose my number." And she hung up.

I was shaking uncontrollably.

What just happened?

Was this a dream?

This can't be reality.

I hit my face, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

Pinching, hitting, clawing at my skin, begging myself to open my eyes but every time I did, there he stood.

He was laughing, his eyes blue once again.

"Let's go inside and talk, shall we? I wouldn't want you to mark yourself up or rip out your hair." He took a step forward showing me I was cornered, "Although crazy girls are always the best in bed..." He smirked.

Fuck me. He was hot. I was being hunted by a hot psychopath.

"Another time maybe. For now let's just go inside and talk."

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