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It was stupid and I knew it, but as soon as I saw the droid aiming it's blaster at Crosshair... I couldn't think. I quickly pushed Crosshair out of the way and took the full blast to the chest. I went flying back with a grunt and hit a wall.

"(Y/n)'s been hit!" A voice yelled.

My eyes slowly opened and I saw Crosshair running to my side.

"Stay with me... you don't get to die on me that easy." Crosshair said as he put pressure on the wound.

"We need a medic!"

"Don't die... not when you're pissed at me." He whispered as he held onto me.


"You are an asshole!" I yelled as I glared at Crosshair.

"Well I'm sorry, Princess... but it's not my job to catch you." Crosshair said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You catch Tech! You even sometimes catch Echo! But you always let me fall flat on my ass!"

"Only trying to show you how much a pain in my ass you are."

"I hate you!" I yelled.

"Feelings mutual, Princess."

"And my names not Princess! It's (Y/n)! You dick!" I yelled as I stomped alway from him.

"Alright mission time! Crosshair you and (Y/n) will be together... try not to get shot." Hunter ordered.

"If I have to listen to her complain, I might shoot myself." Crosshair said as he walked away.

"Oh not if I shoot you first." I said as I followed behind him.


"I'm here." Tech said as he opened a medkit up.

"Hunter's..... gonna be... pissed." I groaned out.


"He said.... for us... not to... get shot." I coughed out.

"Hey stay awake!" He ordered as I tried to close my eyes.

"Princess don't you dare shit those eyes! Hey! Wake up!" Crosshair ordered as he gently smacked my cheek.


"Yea keep insulting me... you are not allowed to die here... and especially not when you took a shot for me." He growled out.

"When... have I... ever listened..."

"Never, but you have to listen to me now... because if you don't... I'll tell everyone you screwed me... got it. You die and I'll spread so many rumors, you'll have to come back and haunt me."

"Please... I am.. already planning.. on haunting.... your sorry... ass." I said before everything went dark.

I heard Tech call my name, but I couldn't fight the exhaustion. I soon heard Crosshair yell for an evac and then felt arms go under me. I was picked up and pressed against a rough chest, Crosshair's chest from the feel of it. I don't know where he took me but my first guess would be back to the ship.

"What happen?!" Hunter yelled.

"She got shot protecting me." Crosshair said as I was set down.

"I always knew she had the hots for you."

"It isn't funny! She could die!" Crosshair yelled as I heard something hit metal.

"Calm down. Tech has her, and she will be fine." Hunter said calmly.

"What if she isn't?"

"She will."

"She can't die... Not before I tell her I love her."

That couldn't of been Crosshair, that voice... sounded broken. It was if the person was on the verge of tears. Before I could force my eyes open, I felt a needle go into my arm and I was knocked out.

When I finally woke up I saw Crosshair fast asleep in the chair beside my bed. I smiled softly and turned my head to look at him. I watched him for awhile before the coldness overtook me and I threw something at him.

"What the hell!"

"I'm freezing." I said softly.

"(Y/n)! You're awake!" He exclaimed as he rushed to my side.

"You called me (Y/n)." I said as I looked at him shocked.

"Don't get use to it Princess." He said as he cleared his throat.

"How long have you been asleep?" I asked softly.

I could see bags under his eyes and could tell he was exhausted.

"An hour... maybe less."

"When was the last time you got a goods hours sleep?"

"That's not important."

I let out a sigh and scooted over.

"Lay down." I ordered.

"I'm not-"

"Shut up and lay with me." I ordered.

He let out a sigh and crawled into the small bed with me. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too." I whispered before sleep over took me.

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