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I heard yelling and quickly walked to the throne room. I let out a groan as I saw Maul and Dooku yelling at each other.

"What is going on here?" I asked stopping both of them.

"Nothing!" They both yelled as they stepped away from each other.

They looked like two children who had got caught with their hands in a cookie jar and it took everything in me not to laugh.

I tapped my foot on the ground and glared at both of them.

"Dooku return home and tell your master that me and my husband are fine without his constant butting in." I said with a frown.


"Now." I ordered.

Dooku turned and sent Maul one more look before walking away. I let out a sigh and walked up to Maul.

"Don't say it." He said sternly.

"Oh I'm gonna. Why are you picking fights! We talked about this!" I yelled as he set down.

"You talked I didn't listen."

"Like the rest of our marriage. Maul stop picking fights and just keep this victory." I said softly.


"No buts." I said as I set on his lap.

"Fine." He said as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

I sent him a smile and leaned down and gently kissed him. I moved my lips away and let out a light laugh as he followed me with his lips.

"Good boy, now... you owe me dinner." I said as I stood up.

"That I do." He said as I dragged him up and led him out of the throne room.

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