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The republic had already been here a week and I had already broken my number one rule. In my defense though the scar was a big turn on and I am only human, well part human.

I hadn't expected to fall in love with the Famous Clone Commander, but he had a way of breaking my walls.

"Commander Wolffe you will be watching her majesty." Master Plo said softly.

"Yea General." Wolffe said as his eyes met mine.

His eyes stayed on me as Plo walked out of the room leaving us alone.

"Commander, I will be going to my room." I said calmly.

"Allow me to accompany you." He said with a smirk.

I nodded my head and allowed him to lead me to my room. As soon as we made it inside his lips were on mine. I let out a sigh and pulled him closer.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered against my lips.

"How long do you think we have?" I whispered against his lips.

"Until the general returns... I'd say an hour and a half." He said softly.

"That's enough time for me." I whispered as I pulled him into another kiss.


"Master Plo, I must tell you that I saw Wolffe and the Queen kissing in the hallway." Obi-wan said calmly.

"Oh I already know." Plo said calmly.

"And you're not going to do anything about it?"

"Master Kenobi, why would I destroy my child's happiness."

"Plo I must remind you that the clones aren't your-"

"I adopted them."

"You can't-"


"Plo Koon, you can't just-"

"I can and I have. No shall we return to our mission?" He asked as he walked away.

"Sometimes I hate that man." Obi-wan said with a sigh.

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