peanut butter and bananas

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filler chapter timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, wahoo. yay. wonderful.

I DON'T OWN ANYTHING. except for the storyline... anyway, HeRe We GoOo

Marley POV

I was walking home with Barry, feeling like I was lugging 5 bricks in my backpack. "How are you walking with your back straight?!?" I ask, exasperated, "study hall." study hall, where have I heard that. Barry must have sensed my confusion, "Study hall is a class. The one we both have after lunch on Wednesdays." I must look like a stupid retard right now, "The study hall we had today after lunch..." I look straight piecing together what I heard. "That's Study Hall?" Barry nods, "I don't study during study hall, I'm on my phone." I feel a pang of sudden guilt build up in my chest. "Is that bad? Am I breaking the rules?" Barry laughs, "no, everyone does it. I mean, they are probably all too oblivious to notice, but everyone is either secretly on their phones or they just do it in plain sight." I sigh, the guilt leaving me. "What did you do in study hall?" Barry chuckles, "worked. I wanted free time tonight so I finished most of the homework."

"Ugh, why do you always have to on top of EVERYTHING! We have so much homework tonight. And it's all due tomorrow." I whine as Barry nods, "I know right, it's a bit overkill. I mean, we had to read and summarize a couple of chapters for history, we have the science project, we have to read to page 451 for English, you have the worksheets for Spanish, and we both have the ten math pages. It's a lot." I nod. "Do you not take a language?" Barry thinks for a moment, "well, I take English, which is a language, whether I know it or not doesn't matter, so yes. I do take a language." I laugh at his ridiculous logic. "You would be a wonderful CSI mister Bartholomew Allen."

"Don't call me that, I am serious," he says in a jokingly stern way. "God, I don't know why anyone would ever name someone Bartholomew. Ugh, I just hate the way you say it, and how it makes me sound like a freaking grandpa." I laugh genuinely, "I could listen to you rant all day," I say as we arrive at the front of my house, "but I got work to do. Later Bart." I walk through the front yard when I hear Barry's laugh, "My room is literally right across from yours! I can just walk right in-" I finish for him, "AND VIS-VERSA!" I was yelling because Barry was pretty far away from me. It also made my point to get through better...I think. "YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL!" he screamed, mimicking my last actions. As he walks up he says, "I don't think yelling 'don't yell', sends the right message..." I start to laugh like a serial killer, "No it does not."

Barr and I had walked into an empty house. Guess my mom still wasn't back. "Why's your mom not here?"

"Probably just late or she has a staff meeting." Barry nods, understanding. "Want a snack before we begin, kind sir?" he snickers, "why yes, fair maiden," 

3rd POV

After Marley and Barry sat down, Marley pulled out some bananas and peanut butter. "How simple, I expect more from you, like, an elegant shrimp cocktail, something good like that, ya know? I mean, a great guy like me deserves the best." a cocky smile finds its way on to Barry's innocent face, "shut up you airhead, this is elegance at it's greatest."

"Mhm, okay," Barry says, picking up his fork. "Why are you eating chopped bananas and peanut butter with a fork, learn to be a little barbaric! I mean, come on, get your hands dirty!" he nods, then grabs a handful of peanut butter, and draws lines under his eyes as football players do. "This good enough for you?" I shake my head and then dip my fingers into the peanut butter on his plate. Marley brings her finger up to Barry's nose and draws a line. She continues and taps the edge of his nose as a finishing touch. "Volia, perfecto." Marley laughs, "this is my masterpiece, it's beautiful." Barry smirks and his cheeks slightly flush, "so my face is beautiful?" Marley's cheeks redden and she starts rambling, "no-no, t-t-t-t-that's not, I mean, um, hehe, sorry, no, I meant the peanut butter, not your face, not that it isn't beautiful, I mean, oh boy..." Barry laughed, "I'm joking, it's cute when you ramble." and with that, Barry got up and put his food away. And even though they both couldn't see their faces, they knew that they were both blushing red.

sorry, it's kinda stupid, I just wanted one to get out by the end of the week! peace y'all!

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