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I DON'T OWN ANYTHING. except for the storyline... also, most of the story will be in Marley's POV. AnYwAy, HeRe We GoOo! ALSO thank you so much! this story has over 300 reads and is 18 in barryallen! I am so grateful for y'all! thank you again.

Marley POV

Barry and I went to breadsticks after the auditions to talk. We sat down at a table near the back and both got some bottled water. We talked and laughed about the auditions then I asked Barry something I have been dying to ask him, "Barry? Have you ever heard the name, Sebastian Smythe?" Barry snorted, "What kind of a name is Sebastian Smythe?" I couldn't help but laugh at his foolishness while he smiled, "why do you ask Marls?" I look down at the table and then back up at his smiling face, "I went to school with a kid named Sebastian Smythe, and-" Barry cut me off, "oh god, are you guys dating? Is this some sort of secret relationship that no one knows about?" I laughed as Barry continued, "because I want nooooo part in it, I know how these play out in the movies!" Barry jokingly glared at me and I said, "no you weirdo! You just remind me of him, I mean, not how you behave or act, you just look, exactly like him. It's unnerving," Barry let out a small chuckle and said, "I don't understand, what makes us look so similar? I mean is it the hair?" while Barry was blabbing on and on, I searched up a video of last years sectionals. I skipped through one song then put the phone right in front of him. As he continued, "is it my nose, my eyes, my ears, my face, my style-" he was cut off by someone singing.

Barry POV

I stared down at Marley's phone to see a mere reflection of myself, singing in some sort of crazy-ass blazer. The guy on stage had maybe about a gallon of hair gel at the least, slathering his hair to one side. The guy who looks oddly like me had some serious moves too. He was dancing as if his life depended on it, and he had a smirk plastered on his face making him look like he just killed someone. I looked up at Marley and saw that she had a nervous look on her face, "what is this?"

"It's a video of the Warblers," I glanced at her, "but they're not birds," Marley smiled, "no, they are a glee group,"

"Like the glee group, we tried out for?" Marley nodded her head. I looked back at the video as I was sipping some water to see the person who looks like me, throwing these crazy dance moves.

Marley POV

I was so nervous to ask Barry, but they look exactly alike! When I showed him the video I was expecting a much different reaction but he took it surprisingly well, I mean, as well as you can take it. He watched a little more of it and asked "what is this?" I answered, "its a video of the warblers," he looked up, really confused, "but they're not birds," I smiled, "no, they are a glee group,"

"Like the glee group, we tried out for?" I nodded as Barry pieced it together while drinking water. As Barry continued to watch, I got up to get a snack from the counter. While I was waiting in line, I heard a few chuckles and gasps followed by an enormous amount of laughing. I turned around and saw Barry nearly crying on the floor from laughing. I walked over and saw Barry calming down, still letting a few laughs escape, "Barry, what happened? Did you change it into a try not to laugh video?" My comment just made Barry laugh even more, "The guy, who looks like me," Barry was wheezing after nearly every word he said, "he, he, his dance moves, I can't, HA!" I couldn't help but snort at Barry's ridiculousness, "you're an idiot Barry," I walked back in line and heard Barry continue to laugh. When I came back, Barry had recomposed himself and he got to ask his questions, "Do you care about being popular?"I got nervous for a second, I have no idea why though. "I mean kind of, I don't know. I feel like most kids want to be popular, you know, why do you ask?" Barry Shrugged, "well then we're walking to McKinley for the first time I heard you murmuring about being popular, has there been an issue or something? Did something happen? Is that what you transfer here?"I cut Barry's rambling off, "well I mean, I don't, I guess, ugh. okay so here's what happened. You know how my mom's the lunch lady?" Barry nodded as I continued, "well I guess I was bullied because she's a little bit, you know, overweight? and I guess oh, I don't know, I guess your appearance is more important than your personality or whatever and I just didn't really have any friends there and I don't want to repeat that." Barry nodded with a sympathetic face, "I guess I kind of know how you feel."

"you do? I mean, I know what you told me earlier morning didn't mention any bullying but you did say-" Barry cut off my rambling, "think I'm rubbing off on you, I doubt you rambled this much before I came." I couldn't help but laugh and nod my head in agreement, "I guess you kind of did Mr. Allen." Barry laughed, and I motion for him to continue with the story. "well you know how my dad was in prison because he was wrongfully accused of my mom's murder? well of course it got a lot of unwanted attention, and most of the kids I had heard about it or had been told by their parents to, 'stay away from that Allen kid'. Unfortunately, some kids took it differently. Some kids used it against me. I always had this one bully who would gang up on me. His name was Tony Woodward. he would chase me home after school and end up beating me, and that was before my dad became well, I guess you could say 'an innocent Criminal'."I nodded, in my mind planning revenge against this Tony Woodward. How dare he hurt such an innocent loving young man like Barry! Barry swallowed and then proceeded with his story "Well they would say or do something that would make me say some sort of remark back at them. They would always say, 'what are you going to do about it, murder me?' Ugh, that would always piss me off." Barry said that last part mostly to himself, "Anyways, that wasn't even the worst of it. I remember so many times I was thrown into the lockers, or constantly being pestered by Tony. Eventually, it escalated so terribly that I had to go to the hospital. I was bedridden I think for about a week or two, and that's where Joe, my foster father, decided to draw the line." I finished the story for Barry "and so you're sent here to live with me and my mom." Barry nodded and took another sip of his water. I looked up at him in amazement. How can someone who's been through so much trauma, so much hatred, so many terrible things, still light up a room like this. I don't understand how you can persevere through anything that would normally make anyone afraid. Barry gave me a funny look, "what do I something on my face?" I said wiping at the sides of my mouth. Barry laughed, "no you just look like you see your idol or something." I smiled and shrugged, "I don't know I was just wondering, how do you do it?" Barry gave me a funny look, "I think that there is a Sex Ed class that is better suited to tell you," Barry stated, knowing very well that's not what I was meant, "Ew, Barry you're disgusting." Barry snorted, very proud of his joke, " I know, I know, so what don't you get, or what did you mean?" I looked up at him, immediately making eye contact, "I was just wondering," I paused for a moment "how are you always so happy when life throws so many terrible things your way? First, it was your mom, then it's your dad, then it's you. Then after, you're forced to move to this new place, which you have no idea if it's going to be better than before. You don't know if you're going to be bullied again, you don't know if you are eventually going to go back to the life that you just dropped and left. You don't know. So how you're so happy? How are you're so ecstatic about everything, every little thing? I mean, you're excited about the science fair, you're excited about tiny little quizzes that will be worth 1% of your grade!" Barry laughed as I continue to rambling, "see my point taken, you're laughing, you're always laughing and it's not a bad thing actually, it's absolutely amazing! But how do you do it? Any normal person would be absolutely torn for pretty much their whole life." Barry smiled, "I guess I just keep looking towards the good things in life. It was also something my dad asked me to do. he asked me to keep living my life." I nodded as I looked around to see we were the last people in the shop, "We should probably get going," very sad, also becoming aware that there was no one else here besides the workers. " yeah we should." Asbury got up I forgot to tell him something, " oh and Barry, thank you for telling me." he nodded as we walked out of breadsticks together. I had a huge smile plastered on my face being so encouraged by Barry's motivation to keep going. Keep living his life no matter what it throws at you.

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