16. Girl in the Occult pond

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In a highway midst of a dark forest a middle aged couple is driving a car at midnight.

''Honey, how many times do i tell you do not play this damn radio all the time when we're on a drive.''

Mi-So turns of radio after nagging at her husband. But her husband plays it again.

''There is no fun of driving without music.''

after he plays the radio, it suddenly stops working.

''Why did it stopped working now?''  he starts slapping on the radio instead of driving his car.

''HanSuk, look at the road you idiot. Look at the...''

before he would look  at the road HanSuk's car goes down the pond  after crashing and going through the forest.  As it was a jeep and had no glass on the windows, water comes through there and the jeep hits the bottom. HanSuk swims up and takes  a deep breath but looking around he can't find MiSo. Suddenly he sees her hand three feet away from him. He swims there and grabs her hand. But as he holds it the hand becomes colder, paler and thinner. That hand grabs his wrist back and a head of a woman pops up. It wasn't MiSo but a woman with a pale skin. With her rotten teeth and blood clotted eyes he smiles at HanSuk, she pulls him underwater. Even though he feels as if he'll faint being afraid he fights to get his head above surface water to breath. He somehow frees himself and swims out of the pond. Looking back he thinks of MiSo but decides to walk away and find her later.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . ..  . . . . . . .  .. . . . . . . . .

HanSuk walking  through the highway for a while finds light. After walking a bit more he sees a hotel.

''Hotel Blue Moon. This hotel seems big , I can get some help to save MiSo.''

He walks inside to the lobby.

''Customer, Can I help you?''  asks him.

''I need to find my wife.''

''Is she dead or alive? and i need to know how did you die for hotel authority verification.''


The noise goes to Yong's room where Ms.Jeong and Yong hear it. Yong hearing it walks down the stairs with an annoyed face as he was just about to sleep, Ms. Jeong follows him.

''WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? ITS MIDNIGHT, my VIP customers and i need some sleep.''

HanSuk seeing Yong lowers his voice completely for a second.

'' I need to meet the manager here. Who are you?'' he asks.

''The owner of the hotel you are standing at. Why are you shouting at my staff?... what happened?'' Yong asks her.

''He came inside in a rush without verification. He asked to save his wife and i just said that if she was dead or alive and he shouted at me.''

''Is your staff crazy? what is she saying?''

''She said nothing wrong. If you are dead then so might be your wife she just asked that.''

''WHAT NONSENSE? how can i be dead? its not possible.'' HanSuk begins to freak out.

''You are because this hotel is a hotel for soul to rest before leaving this world. Let alone enter you can't even see it if you're not dead. Don't cause trouble and tell me everything you remember before walking here i need to sleep.''

Sitting at the lobby HanSuk calms himself and tells Yong everything.

'' A pale hand? This seems something something like the ghost of the occult pond.'' Ms.Jeong standing by Yong replies.

Hotel Blue Moon//(Del Luna sequel)/호텔 블루 문Where stories live. Discover now