18. The Sacred Book

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"The SamSan ghost said you have a connection with that land or maybe around here somewhere. What did she mean? We should've stayed and did some inquiries on that."

"No, We can't don't you remember if I don't return in three days to the hotel it's going put its roots where I am. And its already been a day, I can't finish it in two so I have to return. But before we work on this problem we have to find the woman named Amanda. Do you have any leads on that?"

"I'm working on it. Just leave it to me. SeoMan called ane said Mr.HanSuk finally met his wife "

PilSang assures Yong while driving their way to Seoul from Samsan.

A day later, Yeoruem face Yong with an unexpected proposal to return to the hotel.

"Let me think." Yeoruem turns around. With a joyful face she says yes to herself then turns around with a moody one.

"Okay. I'll join from tomorrow."

"You have to come sharp at 6. Give me a cold coffee."

After she writes the order she heads to the kitchen to tell SeokHwa make the order but before she'd tell him he surprises her already knowing it.

"How do you?..." she becomes surprised.

"You both were loud. After you told us tomorrow you left the job because he insulted you why do you want to return there? You have a foreign degree any hotel will take you with honor until then if you want work here."

"I love working at the hotel. Except him everyone is warmhearted. So don't worry. But you didn't tell me how you found Grandpa tomorrow."

"Don't bother. He's fine now. The customers are coming so you should..."

She quickly rushes outside. While making coffee he begins thinking what had happened that day.

''SeokHway~aa, what is this? '' asks the woman while looking at him with eyes of questions.

While they were starring at him with questions and fear  in their eyes Amanda makes a gestures with her hands that makes them unconcious.

''What have you done to them?''

''Didn't you see they were looking at you with fear in their eyes even though you saved them just because you turned out to different them. I am more powerful then you and i don't even see any demons in you either but we both are simmilar in a way don't you think?''

''What do you want?''

''I know how much you care for her...I mean Yeoruem. She's precious to me as well. You have to protect her.''

'' From what?''

''From digging up her past. I know that you are aware of it as well. I don't want her hurt, danger is lurking around her always you have to keep your senses open. You are a useful person, I might need you in another task."

She gives him a smirk and walks by him.

"I can't let..."

She stands near the door looking ahead while SeokHwa stood where he was.
"I don't do half job. When I made them unconscious I made sure they forgot about what happened today. It's been a long time, Nice to meet you Kang SeokHwa."

She walks by leaving him alone. Yeoruem calls SeokHwa from the counter. He comes outside with orders in his hands.

''SeokHway~aa, This is Ms.Lee...''

SeokHwa loosing his balance began to drop the tray in his hand but Yeoruem grabs the tray quickly to save it.

''Are you alright?..'' She asks him while still holding the tray.

Hotel Blue Moon//(Del Luna sequel)/호텔 블루 문Where stories live. Discover now