12. Love, fate and nightmares

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Yeoruem and DeokHwa take MaYoung in a nearby hospital. The doctors transfer him into the emergency ward.

"Is he going to be fine?"

Yeoruem asks the doctor infront of her.

"He's already in his last stage we'll do our best. If he really survives that'll be a miracle of god."

The doctor enters the ward. DeokHwa and Yeoruem wait outside.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yong looks outside of a villa like house. He steps inside, an old housekeeper man takes him to Kim Shin's study.
While looking at a painting be looks back at Yong hearing his footsteps.

"Mr.Moon? What brings you here?"

" I have a favor to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"I need a belonging of Mrs.Eun Tak."


"Can you do me this favor?"

He walks ahead to his shelve and brings a red wool scarf.

"Will this do?"

Yong tilts his head and takes the scarf from him. He turns around.

"Mr.Moon, Please bring that back to me safely. It's very valuable to me."

He walks outside taking his leave. As he walks away Kim Shin looks his way.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where am I? What is this place?"

Eun-tak being blindfolded tries to figure out where she is.

She hears the sounds of trees being shivered by the force of wind. She hears a footsteps coming at her way.

"Why have you taken me?"

"Shhhhh, sorry, Grandma but you have something I really need. Your lifespan, energy. It won't take long, I'll make it be less painful."

" What will the lifespan of an old lady do good to you?"

Following the voice MaJong looks behind, he sees Yong.

"This is maybe just one customer to you but her lifespan is the only think that can save the most precious thing to me. Let her be."

"If you let one thing slip, people take another and the cycle goes on. I'll get you the lifespan of another human."

" She's the goblin bride.No, it has to be her."

"And getting a punch from me has to be you."


Before MaJong would get what he said Yong punches him straight at his face.

Yong using his levitation power lifts him above the ground against the wall.
In the moment while he strangles onto him Yong sees a tattoo on his palm, he presses onto it.
In the blink of an eye he disappears from his grasp. Yong stands infront of the chair Eun-tak is tied to protect her.
MaJong appears from behind him and disappears with her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PilSang keeps sweating in his sleep lying over the couch. In his nightmare he finds himself in a dark place where he finds himself alone on his knees on the floor. In that dream he hears a sound of whisper behind him. He looks behind him. In middle of the shadow a pair of white eyes looks at him without blinking. He gets up and tries to run away but as fast he ran those eyes followed faster. As the moonlight fell over the the white eyes chasing him he looks behind. He sees a huge black demon, Twice his size with dearlike horns,a human structure and a vicious smile. He stretches both of his arms towards PilSang to kill him. PilSang begins to sweat and as his feet shakes he falls to the ground.
Within that moment his eyes closes but after that he doesn't feel the demon at him. He opens his eyes, he sees seal spell around that demon's arms holding it as it tries to struggle. PilSang looks behind the demon, he sees a woman. Her body behind the darkness her hand beneath the moonlight as she controlled the spell. In the light he sees a tattoo over her right wrist, a black rose tattoo.

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