10. The twins (part 3)

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"May I come in?" Ms.Jeong knocks one time on the door. Right after then she hears something crashing on the floor. She then walks in.
Inside the room everything was scattered all over the place. The sheets scattered, things lying upside down. In a corner of the room Ms.Jeong sees DoNaJin sitting in a corner, crying, screaming and grabbing her head.
Ms.Jeong quickly goes to her and sits beside her on the floor to calm her down.

"It hurts, the memories they are coming back. The memories before my death are coming back. She's hurting people...I see her."

Ms.Jeong while calming her hears stomping footsteps behind her. Yong, PilSang, Yeoruem standing at the door behind them. DoNaJin in tearfull panicked eyes looks at her.

"Please help me." She says in a scared tone.

"What is that drawn in your hand?"
PilSang sees a tattoo over NaJin's wrist. He quickly sits by her and grabs her hand to sees it closely.

"This tattoo is used for soul binding black magic. Their souls are binded by it."

"What does that mean?"

"She can't go to heaven neither her sister won't be sent to hell. They're stuck here."

"How did that happen NaJin. Calm down. We need to know to help you both."

Yong,Yeoruem, PilSang stay quiet to listen to her in her room. Yong sends Ms.Jeong out. Mr.Ga finds her outside in hall.

"I heard someone screaming. Did something happene? I was worried about you..."
Mr.Ga stops himself there feeling like he said to much.
Ms.Jeong looking at him for a moment then replies.

"NaJin, our new customer, she was screaming. Something was bothering her. I myself couldn't understand in that short moment. By the way, where is our JinEun~aa? I feel sorry for her, Yelling was fine but taken her job from her."

"I saw her receiving a call and running out of the hotel this evening."

In the room Yong becomes impatient of NaJin not opening up to them. Yeoruem looking at them both then looks at NaJin. Getting up from beside them she sits beside NaJin and grabs her hand with both of hers trying to look at her with a smile.

" I know you don't want to hurt her. I can't promise to break the spell but I promise if you'll be brave enough to tell me everything I'll be brave enough to protect you and your sister. Take a deep breath."

"Hey, idiot. Ghosts don't breath."
Even in that moment PilSang smiles, NaJin laughs a bit because of Yeoruem. Feeling guilty she stops and looks at Yeoruem. Yeoruem holds her hand tightly to give her courage and she becomes brave enough to tell her story.

"The day NaMin and I were  born our mother died and our father hated us.He sold us to Mr.Min Kwon when we were 7 years old. SungKwon didn't have a mother MinKwon had bought us so to play with him but he treated us like daughters. Years and years went by and we became 22 year old. NaMin had distanced herself from SungKwon and she often fought with me on not being with her all the time. Things became worse when SungKwon confessed of his love to me and NaMin saw us. She didn't say a word to me that day. At that night she didn't came home and I fell asleep at the backdoor waiting for her. When I woke up in the middle of the night feeling pain as someone was cutting my wrist with knife. I saw her beside me making a tattoo on my wrist with a thin sharped knife. It was done when I woke up. I panicked but for a reason my head felt heavy and I felt sleepy. She put the knife beside and whispered 'Don't worry we'll be together no matter what'. I feel asleep and woke up in my bed with this tattoo a little late in the day. When I woke up I saw Mr.Kwon yelling at SungKwon..."

"SunKwon, what kind of foolishness is this. This is used for black magic which was under your pillow. She's trying to seduce you with black magic."

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