Ch 10:You know?

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Dark Pov

I was in shock. My mom and uncle know about the Omnitrix?

Ben:Dark. You're not the only one who had destiny thrusted upon your wrist.

My uncle held out his wrist to show a watch that looked a little like my Omnitrix.

My uncle held out his wrist to show a watch that looked a little like my Omnitrix

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Dark:Is that the Omnitrix?

Ben:The completed original Omnitrix.


Ben:I know that the Omnitrix v2 has a shorter transformation time then my Omnitrix, but from what I heard from its creator that you can extend your transformation time.

Dark:That much I know. I fought some robots with most of my aliens.

Ben:You did?


Ben:Well I guess I should introduce you to the Omnitrix's creator.

He put a device on the table that had the same symbol as the Omnitrix. A hologram of a tiny man with what I believed was a beard.

 A hologram of a tiny man with what I believed was a beard

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???:Ben. Who is the one with Version 2?

I held up my wrist.

Dark:That would be me sir.

???:Well. It's nice to meet you...

Dark:Dark sir.

???:Dark. Interesting name. I'm Azmuth the creator of the Omnitrix and the Omnitrix v2.

Dark:It's nice to meet you Azmuth.

Azmuth:Did he fight using it?

Dark:I can answer that question sir. I was at camp when I found the Omnitrix.

Azmuth:Oh? Well how long is the transformation time?

Dark:Three minutes.

Azmuth:Hm. I'll tell you what. You can keep the Omnitrix v2, but you have to add a few more different aliens for me to get two different frequencies so I can fix it from afar.

Dark:But how do I get more aliens?

Azmuth:Your uncle has a vault of alien DNA.




I looked down at my Omnitrix v2.

Dark:I'll add more aliens when I can master fighting as all my aliens. Plus I want to extend my transformation time.

Azmuth:Wise choice. I'll respect your decision.

Ben:Does anyone else know about your Omnitrix?

Dark:Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Ben:Anyone else?

Dark:Nope. As far as everyone knows it's just a watch.


I head to my room when my uncle Ben stopped me.

Ben:Could you invite your friends over tomorrow? I need to tell them and you something.



I went to my room and called Ruby and the others. The voice message system answered and I left a voice mail on each one.

(Ruby and Yang's)

Dark:Hey Ruby and Yang. Could both of you come over to my place. I found out more on the Omnitrix.


Dark:Hey Blake. I have more information on the Omnitrix. So can you come over so I can talk with you and the others about it?

Weiss actually picked up.

Weiss:Hey Dark. What's up?

Dark:Hey Weiss. I've invited the others over to discuss about the more information I found out about the Omnitrix. If you're not to busy could you come over tomorrow?

Weiss:Sure thing. When should I be there?

Dark:As soon as you can.

Weiss:Alright. Talk to you later.

She hung up and I went to sleep.

Kevin Pov

I came through the door to my house pissed knowing that today was the day my son came home.

Gwen:Kevin. You just missed Dark.

Kevin:Damn it.

Gwen:He's alright. He doesn't have a scratch on him.

Kevin:Alright. So he knows?


???:He's going to know a whole lot more tomorrow.

I looked behind Gwen to see Ben.

Kevin:So was anyone else with him when he found it?


Kevin:So you're going to tell him about the Plumbers right?

Ben:Yeah. I'll tell him and his friends as much as they want to know.


I was worried for my son and his friends' sake. Then I felt Gwen's hand on my shoulder.

Gwen:He's going to be fine Kevin. He is our son after all.

I smile.

Kevin:Thanks Gwen.

The Alien hero (bnha x Omnitrix wearer oc)Where stories live. Discover now