Ch 91:Work study.

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Dark Pov

I was still thinking about what agency that I should go to for my work study, and none really came to my mind. I then went outside to think and train. I just got outside when I got a call from my mom.

Dark:Hey mom.

Mom:Hey sweetie. I think I know a agency you may want to check out.

Dark:What is it?

Mom:Night Eye.

I nearly dropped my phone after hearing that.

Dark:You what?

Mom:You heard me.

Dark:Mom. The guy has a cold ass stare that sends a shiver down my spine.

Mom:Well so does Ghostfreak and Big Chill's Voices.

Dark:Not my point mom.

Mom:Well. It's Night Eye or nothing Dark.

Dark:Ok. I'll give him a chance.

Mom:Alright. See you later sweetie.

She hung up as I leaned against the dorm building disappointed.

Yang:Hey Dark. Did someone call you about your work study?

Dark:Yeah... It was my mom she wanted me to be in Night Eye agency for some reason. (Narrator:We all know why. 10,000 reasons why.)

Yang:Oh well. If it will make you feel better we'll join you.

Weiss:We'll join him what?

Yang:Dark is disappointed that he got recommend for Night Eye agency, so I was going to ask you all if you wanted to join in.

Weiss:I mean. I would like to hear his input on my quirk so sure. Why no?

Blake:Sure. I have nothing better to do when waiting for someone to take me for my work study.

Ruby:I have to check a few things with All Might, but yeah. I'll tag along.

Ruby went to talk to All Might and apparently Night Eye was All Might's sidekick, but they're not on speaking terms. So All Might told Mirio to introduce us to Night Eye. I wasn't happy about it, but if it meant I get to see some action I'm all for it. We went back outside and I tried to get new aliens. No such luck... The next day came and I got ready to shit myself from Night Eye's stare, so I packed some adult diapers and left Snowflake and Thorn with Sapphire. I drove off in my car with Mirio and my friends to the Night Eye agency. I sat in my car scared to death.

Mirio:Are you ok Tennyson? You look pale.

Dark (😰):First day jitters I guess.

Ruby:It's ok Dark. As long as we're with you.

We walked into his office and saw this...

RWBY and Dark:What kind of place is this?

Mirio:That's his sidekick Bubble Girl. Guess she didn't make him laugh.

Night Eye glared at us and I did the same back like I did with Tamaki.

Yang:Wow. This just started with a Yang.

My eyes shot opened and I started to bang my head against the wall.

Dark:Yang. No. It's only funny once in a lifetime. Just. No.

The Alien hero (bnha x Omnitrix wearer oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon