1. Josie's blast

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Hope's POV

I am wondering in Josie's consciousness while trying to find her and when I do find her her dark counterpart blasts me off with an unknown spell and all I see is black. Perfect (note the sarcasm).

Next thing I know is my heavy head. I open my eyes to see someone's eyes that matched mine. My breath got stuck to see him. I was so shocked to see him that I failed to notice the company he had.
I sit up immediately to see my beloved father who is amused for some reason that I couldn't notice because of the shock.

"Sorry love, my friend here left you and forgot. Trust me he doesn't usually like this" my dad told me.

It took me some time to comprehend what he said but as soon as I realised what he was thinking I jumped to see his company. I saw Stefan Salvatore with my father looking at me confused and I felt disgusted to even think about what my dad just said.

"Eww first of all I would never ever even think about hooking up with that.....thing" I replied looking at Stefan with a disgusted face
"and second  am I in hell?" I asked turning toward my father.
Dad chuckled amused with my words and answers "you love are in Chicago"
while Stefan looked shocked  listening to my words.

Hearing his answer made me even more confused "which ye-"
I start to ask another question but was cut off by dad
"Now that I have answered your question so you answer mine who are you?"

"Oh my name is Hope mi- Marshall" internally cursing myself and hoping he won't notice my slip.

"Now why don't you tell me your real name and don't even think I didn't notice your slip" he asked with pointed eyes with his paranoia kicking in.

"Trust me my name is Hope Marshall however Marshall is my mother's last name" I replied hoping he would drop it.

But he doesn't "so you have daddy issues?" He asked almost smirking.

I internally laughed thinking how my own father is asking me if I had daddy issues!
And replied " No it's just that my fathers name have a tendency to almost kill me and for the record I had the best dad in this whole world." I replied happy that I could say that to him even if he didn't know me.
"Now would you tell us how you got here or are you here take revenge on him?" he asked pointing toward Stefan who hadn't said anything till now.

I furrowed my brow in confusion thinking how I got here and then it hit me and my eyes widened " THAT BITCH !!! Can you believe it I was helping her and she blasted me off  with a spell" I exclaimed.
" so someone blasted you off with a spell that resulted in you getting here??" He asked amused  like it's the most funny thing he ever heard.
"Hey its not funny, you know I am telling you don't have friends they take you for granted" I replied annoyed that he is finding it funny.

"OK now if you don't mind can you get out of my apartment" Stefan said annoyed.

"Rude, I was leaving only! " I replied annoyed and left the apartment waving a bye to dad.

Hey guys hope you enjoy it!

I know that hope is not actually that in legacies but its just annoying how weak they show to be.

This is how I wanted hope to be so ........

Also who tell me who should I make love interest for hope???

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