3. prank night

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"Oh he lives!" Auntie bex exclaimed
"What happened?" Stefan asked.

"You took a beating, da- Klaus has been breaking your neck all afternoon, quite a temper." I told him almost slipping dad.
Thank god nobody noticed because of the serious situation their are in.

"Why did he bring us to mystic falls?" Stefan asked.

"Oh stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to find out what you've been hiding." Bex replied annoyed.
"I'm not hiding anything! I've done everything he asked me to." He exclaimed.

"He is really annoying isn't it!" I remarked.
"Yes you just failed to mention that the doppelganger is still alive." She told him.
"Where is Klaus" he asked.

"With bex's luck, ripping her bloody head off" I told him smirking and bex grins towards me.
He rushes towards me but bex comes in between and they both fly out of truck with him on her.
"Where is she?"  He asked.
"You really love her don't you." She said

She gets ups and pushes him against the truck, punches him and takes a crowbar. She puts the hook of the crowbar behind his neck and pulls him towards her
"Consider me jealous!" And stabs him in stomach.
He falls down groaning.
She hooks her arm with mine as we go towards the school.

"I'm happy" we hear Tyler say then kiss Caroline.
"Aren't you two adorable!" Bex tutted
" almost nauseating!" I remarked making a disgusted face.
"Do we know you?" Care questions
"You are the dopplebitch's friend, caroline" I assumed
"Which makes you Tyler,the werewolf." Bex completed.
Care comes in between us and Tyler
"And who are you guys?" She almost threatened us which was quiet amusing.
"We are the new girls." As soon as bex said I clicked my wrist snapping Caroline's neck. As bex grabbed the werewolf.

"Get off me" Tyler was basically boring us to death.
"Oh hush now" bex told him.
"Or I'll rip off your tongue." I threatened annoyed of his complains.
"I would like you to meet my sister Rebekah. A word of advice ........ She can be quite mean." Klaus introduced her.
"Don't be an arse!" Bex replied
"At least he introduced you I feel like I'm invisible." I frowned.
" Apologies love didn't knew you were still with us. Well she is a friend of ours Hope." Klaus remarked looking at me then at the crowd.
"Leave him alone" Elena exclaimed.
"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus explains

He bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood.

 "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry." He all but tutted.

He twists his head and kills him. Elena, Matt and Bonnie are shocked. Klaus smiles.

He killed him." Matt exclaimed with fear.

He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire."Elena explains.
"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping." Klaus further tells them.

He grabs Elena's arm and looks at her. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Matt. Rebekah looks at Elena.

"So this is the latest doppelganger, the original one was much prettier." Bex remarked.

"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?" Dad tells her.

Rebekah drags Tyler behind her by his arm and leaves. Klaus looks at Elena.

" Just ignore her. Petty little thing." Klaus tells Elena.

"No she is right." I say to both of them.
" What do you mean love?" Dad asks me.
" I mean these doppelgangers are pathetic. The first one with this face was a bitch, then second one was a slut, third one is a slut and a bitch now god know why this will add in the history of all the pathetic doppelgangers." I made a disgusted face.
Dad looks at me really confused.
" As far as I know there are only three doppelgangers this one included, and they were made by the original witch to break my hybrid curse." Dad tells me.

As soon I hear what he says I start laughing like crazy.
Both of them looks at me confused.

" You think Ester is so powerful that she created the doppelgangers. Oh boy you guys are so wrong Ester didn't created the doppelgangers she knew Tatia was one that is why she used her for the ritual." I replied laughing my  arse off.

" How do you know the original witch?" He demands me.
"I kn-

Thankfully  I was cut off by Stefan coming in.
He tries to fool dad but dad catches him lying then forces him to turn off his humanity. Truly that was the only moment when I felt bad for him.
Right now he is munching on some teenager dad caught in school.(I was too lazy to write everything.)

Then auntie bex comes shouting about her necklace which we later find out is with Katherine. God these doppelgangers are so annoying always ruining the plans.
" If bonnie doesn't finds the solution in 20 Min then I want you to feed on Elena" dad orders him. At this my ears perks up knowing Elena's blood is the key.

"No don't do this Klaus" Elena begs him.
Dad ignores her and orders Stefan to fracture her spine if she tries to run and leaves.

I go after him.
"Klaus wait" I call out for him.

"Yes little witch" he replies.
"You need to stop Stefan from killing Elena" I tell him.

He furrow his brows and looks at for an explanation.

"It's her blood. Call it a hunch but I think her blood is the key." I told him.

"Elaborate" he orders me.
"The hybrid need to drink her blood after transition to be a hybrid." I explain.

"Hmm that's an interesting theory. I'll see it." And he speed away.

Eventually he does listens to me and Tyler turns into a hybrid.

" Uh Klaus?" God it feels wired to call him by his first name.

"Yes little witch." He replies making me smile at the nickname.

" I need your help in finding a place to stay." I ask him.

" Of course little witch I'll compel a house for you for you help." He replies smiling.
I smile back at him feeling warm and give him a huge hug.

At first he is shocked but then hugs me back. I feel overwhelmed hugging him that I had tears in my eyes. I thanked him again.

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