24. Oh I missed you.....

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Davina's pov

It was our anniversary and we went to wine and dine to the restaurant Kol proposed to me. It was amazing and the events that followed later in our home were even more amazing. I felt content in my life and didn't want to change anything.

But fate had better plans for me or should I say worse!

After celebrating our anniversary we both went to bed but imagine my surprise when I woke up to my mother yelling at me to get ready for the next coven meeting which was unfortunately today..

It took me ten minutes just sitting on my childhood bed to really understand what happen. When I did come to terms with it, I spent the next fifteen minutes mourning over what I lost in just a couple of seconds, until my mother barged into my room telling me to get my shit together and be ready for the coven meeting. God I hate her, actually no I loathe her. My darling mother, god! Kol is really rubbing me off "darling"?, who treated me like shit who offered me to the coven like a pig to slaughter whose death I did not mourn, was standing right in front of me telling me what a disappointment I was. Right now I really wish she was there when I married Kol "The Original Vampire" her reaction to that would have been amazing to watch.

Which also made me realise that today is the day that she going to offer me to the harvest, this seem to make my body work and I got up from my bed, got freshen up and ran for the hills. I'm kidding I just went to the market.

I was quite enjoying the market you know just buying the item that will help me run away from my mother's clutches and trying to remember the timeline and just thinking where Kol was, if my Kol is here which I seriously doubt but a girl can dream right?

When suddenly I heard a voice which I know shouldn't be here right now, so I followed it and trust me I never thought I would say this but Freya just became the best person I ever met.

"Freya?" I said.

"Davina? oh my god! you are here too. Please tell me you remember." she hugged me which I reciprocated.

"let me guess you woke up in the past?" I asked

"yes! same?" she asked

"yup!" I reply

"Do you know why this is happening?" I ask

"Davina I think its because of hope." she says

"Hope? what do you mean? Hope doesn't even exist yet." I ask

"yeah about that....." then she tells me how Mikael had found her when told her that a girl named hope who she mentored told her where she was.

"yeah that sounds like our Hope." I was worried on what kind of mess hope has put herself into.

"so what do we do now?" I ask her

"well I am going to Mystic falls to see what is actually happening. What about you?" she says

"I don't know. Today is the day when coven chooses me to be one of the harvest girl but I really don't want to be a part of that. So I think I am just gonna run away, that's actually why I was in the market you know buying resources." I tell her

"Maybe you should come with us." she says.

"Freya I would love to but I don't think I am strong enough to see a Kol that isn't my husband." I say frowning.

"oh Davina! I am sorry. You know I think you should go and find Hayley. Who knows maybe she remembers too and even if she doesn't she is still family. And then come to Mystic falls to see Hope." she says.

"That's a good idea. I will go and look for Hayley. By the way where is Mikael?" I ask

"Oh he went to arrange a car for us. If you like you can come with us we'll drop you out of the city and father can compel you another car and some money for the rest of the journey." she suggests.

"yeah that would be wonderful. Lets go! I really don't think I will be able to see my wretched mother one more time." I say

"yeah I can agree." she says as we chuckle.

Soon we were in a car driving out of the city. Seeing Mikael again was quite weird especially considering that the Mikael I met was a bloodthirsty vampire with nothing in mind but to kill his children and the Mikael who is right now in front of me is the beloved father Freya always mourned.

It was good to see that at least someone is happy. When asked Mikael was told that I am the granddaughter of the witch Freya was friends with last time she was awake and in need of help. To gain sympathy we also told him about the harvest and its consequences. It was quite a shock to see that Mikael was quite disgusted at the thought of sacrificing young girls for power but then I think its because his own daughter was also sacrificed by Esther.

Soon we parted our ways as they went to Mystic falls and I went to spend the night at motel.

It was at night when I was in my bed that I felt like crying. Thinking of all the what ifs was making me go crazy. What was most painful thought was what if Kol doesn't remember me? The thought made my heart break. I don't know what I would do without Kol. He was there when I came back to life and to be fair he was my anchor to life without him life has no meaning. I just wish that a ll this soon be over I get to see Kol.

Silently crying as I lay in my bed I heard a knock on my door which confused me. I got up and opened the door revealing the very I set to find.

"Davina?" she says

but I soon pull her into a tight hug.

"oh I missed you so much." I say releasing her and inviting into the room.

"Davina how the hell are we here? And what the fuck is happening?" she asks.

"Hayley calm down! I'll tell you everything I know." I say laughing.


Hey guys how are you?

I just finished my exams yesterday and watched the legacies episode it was great. I seriously can't wait for the Mikaelson family reunion. Its a shame that its just the therapy box not the real deal. But I'll take whatever it is.

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