7. Hope Andrea Mikaelson

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Hope's pov

"wha... what? Ho.. how? " She chocked out.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson to say the full name." I said.
"Yeah I heard you the first time ! But how? She yelled at me.

"Well you remember I told you that my friend blasted me off with a spell?" I asked
"Yeah." She replied
"Well that spell didn't only just sent me to a different place but also in different time. Precisely to be it sent me in the past." I told her
"What? So you travelled back in time ?" She asked.
"Yes ! " I said.
" But how a Mikaelson?" She asked me.
" I'm Klaus's daughter. " I told her sheepishly.
" Bloody hell ! And I thought lost lost sister was weird." She exclaimed.

I chuckled " you are still the same." I said with a big smile on my face.
" How is that possible?" She asked.
" His werewolf side allowed him to procreate. Resulting in me a nature's loophole. The miracle baby." I told her.
"So what are you? I mean you are a witch that I know what else." She asked me.
" Half witch, half werewolf right now but once I die I'll turn to a vampire making me the first of my kind, A Tribrid." I told her.
"That's wicked! " She exclaimed.

We looked each other in the eyes and starts laughing.
"So not to be rude but how is klaus as father or all of us as a family?" She asked hesitantly.
" Really good?" I internally joked. Because I knew she is not asking what she wants.
"Was that a question? Oh god what happened?" She panicked.
" I don't know what you mean? Bex if you want to ask me something ask me. Just rip off the bandaid." I chuckled
" Ok. So did you father ever ....... you know?" She was nervous.
" No I don't"  I laughed a little

" Did he ever hurt you or anyone else in the family did?"  She asked really fast.
My smile fell and tears started gathering in my eyes.
"Oh god! Don't cry ! He did hurt you. Oh god what's wrong with him? He turned into our father." She exclaimed. Which broke my heart due to seeing her lack of faith in dad.
" You really think so low of him? " I asked quietly chocking on my tears.
"Yes?" She replied
" How could you?" I shouted.
" Oh god what ! " She shouted back.
And I broke.
" How could you have so little faith in him. For god's sake he is not evil." I yelled at her.
"What do you mean?" She asked quietly.
" He was the best dad one could ever had. He loved me more than anything and he fought against the whole world to protect me even his own parents. " I told her while slightly crying.

"Was? " She asked.
But I continued crying.
" What do you mean 'was'?  Tell me, please hope tell me he is not ...." She desperately asked me shaking me slightly.
"I'm sorry Bekah. " I told her while crying myself.
Rebekah's pov

"I'm sorry Bekah."  As soon as she said those words my heart cracked.
"How? " I asked her quietly

But she didn't answer me
"How hope, tell me how? " I asked her shaking.
"Trust me you don't wanna know." She said.
"No, tell me who killed him? Tell me who killed him? Oh god Did I ?" I was truly devastated to even think about it.
"No, no bex no. You didn't! " She told me.
"Then please tell me how. Please ..." I begged.
"He.... She started
"He what hope? " I asked impatiently.
"He sacrificed himself." She said
"What? What do you mean he sacrificed. Nik will never sacrifice anything of his and he certainly will never sacrifice his own life for anyone or anything." I asked confused.
Because as far as I know my brother he is selfish and he will never sacrifice himself. For god's sake he draggers his siblings according to his needs.

"Oh Bekah he did" she said.
"Then why? Why did he sacrificed his own life." I ask
"To protect our family. To protect all of us." She said.
"From what what hope ? To protect our family from whom?"  I asked desperately.
"There was this dark spirit who wanted to use our family as her personal power house and then eventually kill all of us. The only way the spirit could have been defeated was to lock her up which required the ancestors and power from the sacrifice of an immortal. So he sacrificed himself to protect all of us." She explained.

As soon as I heard that I couldn't stay. I left her place and went to anywhere.
I was devastated knowing that my brother died protecting his family, knowing that no matter what, Nik does love his family and would do anything to protect it. I can't even look at myself knowing that I was planning my brother's demise, the same brother who died protecting me.
I didn't even realized when I reached the Salvatore house.
I see Stefan who was now coming to me after seeing my red eyes from crying.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked while Damon was looking at us.
"Nothing and everything? " I said
"What do you mean? " Damon asked.
"Nothing just had a little fight with hope nothing else. Can I stay here?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." He said.


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